CS141 Lab 7
For the labs of the seventh week:
Give some examples to illustrate the construction of AVL trees
and 2-3 trees from an input sequence of integers, and show the consequence of
a deletion operation. One could use Ex. 4 on p. 222 of Levitin.
Review the data structure Heap, and give an example of
the algorithm HeapBottomUp on p. 226 of Levitin and the algorithm Heapsort.
In-lab exercise: Implement Heapsort in C++. You may assume that
the input numbers are stored in an array of size n. Some more elaborate pseudo-code
for Heapsort can be found in CLRS and other reference books.
TA: Provide some test data.
For keen students:
A linked list has a cycle if,
starting from some node p, following a sequence of next links brings
us back to p. Here p does not have to be the first node in the list.
Write an O(n) time and O(1) (extra) space algorithm/C++ program to
determine if a linked list is cyclic. Hint: move two pointers at
different speeds. How do you argue that your algorithm runs
in O(n) time?