Dr. Laxmi N. Bhuyan
Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Computer Science and
University of California,
Riverside, CA 92521
Office: 351, Winston Chung Hall
Phone: (951) 827-2281
Fax: (951) 827-4643
Email: bhuyan@cs.ucr.edu
Short Biography:
Laxmi Narayan Bhuyan is Distinguished
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department at
the University of California, Riverside (UCR) since July 2021. He was a
Distinguished Professor and Chair of the CSE Department from 2007 to 2014.
Prior to joining UCR in January 2001, he was a professor of Computer Science at
Texas A&M University (1989-2000) and Program Director of the Computer
System Architecture Program at the National Science Foundation (1998-2000). He
has also worked as a consultant to Intel and HP Labs.
Dr. Bhuyan received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Wayne State
University in 1982. His current research interests are in the areas of network
packet processing, multiprocessor architectures, heterogeneous architectures,
parallel and distributed processing, and performance evaluation. He has
published more than 200 papers in these areas in IEEE Transactions on Computers
(TC), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Journal of
Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), and many refereed conference
proceedings, like HPCA, ICS, MICRO, PACT, DAC, INFOCOM, and ANCS.
Dr. Bhuyan served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) from 2006 to 2009. He is a past Editor
of the IEEE TC, JPDC, and Parallel Computing Journal. His professional
activities are too numerous to describe. To mention a few, he was the founding
Program Committee Chairman of the HPCA in 1995, Program Chair of the IPDPS in
1996, General Chair of HPCA-9 (2003), and General Chair of ICS in 2015. He was
elected Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer
Architecture (TCCA) between1995-1998.
Dr. Bhuyan is a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the ACM, a Fellow of the
AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science), and a Fellow
of the WIF (World Innovation Foundation). He has also been named as an ISI
Highly Cited Researcher in Computer Science. He is also a Fulbright Senior
Specialist. He has received other awards such as Halliburton Professorship at
Texas A&M University, and Senior Fellow of the Texas Engineering Experiment
Station. He was also awarded the IEEE CS Outstanding Contribution Award in
1997. He was inducted into the Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame of the
Wayne State University College of Engineering in October 2010. He received the Distinguished
Alumnus Award from National Institute of Technology, Rourkela in 2011.
Computer Engineering, Wayne State University, 1982
M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, REC, Rourkela, Sambalpur University, 1978
B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, REC, Rourkela, Sambalpur University, 1972
- Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science
& Engineering, University of California at Riverside, July 2010
– June 2021
- Chairman, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, University of California at Riverside, July 2007 – June
- Professor, Computer Science & Engineering,
University of California at Riverside, January 2001 - Present
- Professor, Computer Science, Texas A&M University,
September 1991 - December 2000
- Program Director, Computer System Architecture, NSF,
September 1998 - August 2000
- Consultant, Hewlett Packard Laboratories, August 1998
- Consultant/Visiting Professor, Intel Corporation,
July-August 1997
- Associate Professor, Computer Science, Texas A&M
University, August 1989-1991
- Associate Professor, The Center for Advanced Computer
Studies, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1985-August 1989
- Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Southwestern Louisiana, 1983-1985
- Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, University
of Manitoba, 1982-1983
Ph.D. Graduated
- Dr. Chita R. Das , 1986, IEEE Fellow, Distinguished
Professor, Pennsylvania State University
- Dr. Qing Yang ,
1988, IEEE Fellow, Distinguished
Engineering Professor, University of Rhode Island
- Dr. Dipak
Ghosal , 1988, University of California at Davis
- Dr. Hong Jiang , 1991, IEEE Fellow, Nedderman
Professor and Chair,
of Texas at Arlington
- Dr. Ashwini Nanda ,
1993, IEEE Fellow, Founder
and CEO of HPC
- Dr. C.H. Chen, 1993, University of Tuskegee
- Dr. Jason Ding , 1994,
- Dr. Yeimkuan Chang, 1995,
National Cheng-kung University, Taiwan
- Dr. Phanindra
Mannava, 1995, Intel Corporation
- Dr. Chao Feng, 1995, Cisco
- Dr. Akhilesh Kumar ,
1996, Intel Corporation
- Dr. Ravi Iyer , 1999, IEEE
Fellow, Intel Corporation
- Dr. Marius Pirvu , 2000, Compaq Corporation
- Dr. Nan Ni ,
2000, IBM Corporation
- Dr. Hu-Jun Wang ,
2001, IBM Corporation
- Dr. Yan Luo ,
2005, University of Massachusetts at Lowell
- Dr. Xiao Zhang ,
2005, Qualcomm
- Dr. Li Zhao ,
2005, Intel Corporation
- Dr. Jiani Guo , 2006, Cisco
- Dr. Satya Mohanty ,
2007, Cisco
- Dr. Jingnan Yao , 2007, Cisco
- Dr. Jia Yu , 2007,
- Dr. Anirban Banerji ,
2009, Start-up
- Dr. Danhua Guo , 2010, Microsoft
- Dr. Guangdeng Liao , 2011, Intel Research
- Dr. Jilong Kuang , 2011,
Samsung Research
- Dr. Yi Hu, 2012, Rutgers University
- Dr. Dung Vu, 2014,
California State University
- Dr. Mehmet Belviranli,
2016, Colorado School of Mines
- Dr. Chih-hsun Chou,
2017, Xilinx
- Dr. Liang Zhou, 2020, Facebook
- Dr. Devashree Tripathy,
2021, Harvard University
- Past/Current Research Associates
- Dr. Rabi Mahapatra , 1997
From IIT, Kharagpur
- Dr. Yeimkuan Chang , 2001 From Taiwan National
- Dr. Zhiyong Xu , From
University of Cincinnati
- Dr. In - Bum Jung , 2003 From
- Dr. Bin Liu , 2006, From Tshinghua University
- Dr. Heeyeol Yu
, 2009, From Texas A&M University
- Dr. Qin Liu, 2012, From Wuhan
- Dr. Jie Tang,
From Intel
Current Ph.D. Students:
- Hadi
- Quan Fan
- Sourav Panda
- M.S. Graduates: 30
- Life
Fellow of the IEEE, 2016
- Distinguished Alumnus Award,
Hall of Fame, Wayne State University, COE, 2010
- Distinguished
Alumnus Award, NIT, Rourkela, 2011
- ISI Highly
Cited Researcher in Computer Science
- Fellow of
the ACM
- Fellow of
the IEEE
- Fellow of
the AAAS
- Fellow of
the World Innovation Foundation (WIF)
- Fulbright
Senior Specialist Award, 2004
University Partnership Award, 1998
- Golden Core
Member, IEEE Computer Society, 1997
- Outstanding
Contribution Award, IEEE Computer Society, 1996
- Senior
Fellow Award, Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), 1996
- Halliburton
Professorship Award, 1991
- TEES Fellow
Award, 1992, 1994
Selected Professional Activities:
- Fulbright
Senior Specialist, 2013-2018
- General
Chair, ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), 2015
- Vice Chair,
IEEE CS Fellow Evaluation Committee, 2015
- Member/Vice
Chair TOC, IEEE CS Publication Committee, 2013-2015
- Fulbright
Senior Specialist, 2014
- Editor-in-Chief,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, January 2006-2009
- Associate
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2002-2006
- Editor,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 1995-2006
- Editorial
Board, Parallel Computing, 1992-2006
- General
Co-Chairman, IEEE Int. Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture
(HPCA9), Feb 2003
- Chairman,
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Computer Architecture (TCCA),
1995- 1998
- Associate
Editor, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 1998-1999
- Editor -
System Architecture, IEEE Computer Magazine, 1991- 1997
- Program
Co-Chairman, International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed
Processing (SPDP), 1996
- Program
Chairman, International Symposium on High-Performance Computer
Architectures (HPCA), 1995
Lecturer, 1991- 1995
- Distinguished
Visitor, IEEE Computer Society, 1987-1990
Research Interests and Areas of Expertise:
- Heterogeneous
Multiprocessor Architecture
- Power-Aware
- Data Center
Architecture and Network
- Network
Packet Processing and I/O architectures
- Parallel and
Distributed Systems
Current Projects:
National Science Foundation, Principal
Investigator, SHF: Locality Aware Scheduling in
Multi-GPU Systems, Oct 2019 through Sept 2022.
Sheme for Promotion of Academic Research
Collaboration (SPARC), Govt. of India, Co-PI, Rigorous
Verification and Validation of Memory Systems in Heterogeneous Computing
Systems using Statistical Model Checking, (PI: M. Satapathy,
IIT, Bhubaneswar, India), $100,000 Approx., March 2019 to Feb 2021
National Science Foundation, Co-Principal
Investigator, (PI: Daniel Wong) SHF:
Small: Energy Saving in Heterogeneous Data Centers, Oct 2018 through Sept
Other Recent Projects:
- National
Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, (Co-PI: Zizhong
Chen) SHF: Medium: Energy
Efficient Computing on GPU-based Heterogeneous Systems, July 2015
through June 2019.
- Argonne National
Lab, Co-PI, (PI: Zizhong Chen) Towards Smart HPC System: Achieve Performance and
Power Efficiency Goal Automatically Using Reinforcement Learning, Oct 2018 through Dec 2019.
- National
Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, Efficient CPU-GPU
Communication for Heterogeneous Architectures, July 2014 through June
- National
Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, Power Efficient Multicore
Scheduling of Network Applications, October 2012 through September
- National
Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, (Co-PI: Rajiv Gupta) EAGER: Developing a Programming Environment for
Heterogeneous Multiprocessors, 2012 - 2014.
- Samsung
Research, Co-Principal Investigator, (PI: V. Hristidis)
IO Optimizations for Bigdata Stores,
2013 - 2014
- National
Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, (Co-PIs: Rajiv Gupta and Walid
Najjar) SHF: Medium: Hardware/Software
Partitioning for Hybrid Shared Memory Multiprocessors, 2009 - 2012.
- National
Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, CSR:
Small: Core Scheduling to Improve Virtualized I/O Performance on
Multi-Core Systems, 2009 - 2012.
- National
Science Foundation, Principal Investigator, Virtualizaion-Aware Architectures to Accelerate Network
I/O Processing, 2008 - 2012.
Selected Publications:
Heterogeneous Computing
PAVER: Locality Graph-based
Thread Block Scheduling for GPUs, ACM Transactions on Architecture and
Compiler Optimization (TACO), June 2021(with D. Tripathy, A. Abdolrashidi,
L. Bhuyan, L. Zhou and D. Wong)
Energy-Efficient GPU Matrix MultiplicationThrough Undervolting,
ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 19), June
2019 (with H, Zamani et al)
Juggler: A
Dependency-Aware Task Based Execution Framework for GPUs, The 23rd ACM
SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP 2018), (with Belviranli,
M., Seyong, L., and Vetter, J.)
GreenLA: Green Linear Algebra
Software for GPU-Accelerated Heterogeneous Computing, Supercomputing
(SC), 2016 (with J. Chen, L. Tan, P. Wu, D. Tao, H. Li, X. Liang, S. Li, R.
Ge and Z. Chen)
WIREFRAME: Supporting Data-dependent Parallelism through
Dependency Graph Execution in GPUs, IEEE MICRO, October 2017 (with
A. Abdolrashidi, D. Tripathy, M. Belviranli,
and D. Wong)
Efficient Warp Execution in
Presence of Divergence with Collaborative Context Collection, International Symposium on
Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015 (with Farzad Khorasani
and Rajiv Gupta)
Scalable SIMD-Efficient Graph Processing on GPUs,
International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques,
PACT 2015 (with Farzad Khorasani and Rajiv Gupta)
PeerWave: Exploiting Wavefront Parallelism on GPUs with
Peer-SM Synchronization, ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, ICS
2015 (with Mehmet Belviranli, Peng Deng, Rajiv Gupta and Qi Zhu)
Vertex-Centric Graph Processing on GPUs,
The ACM International
Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, HPDC 2014 (with Farzad Khorasani, Keval Vora and Rajiv
A Dynamic Self Scheduling Scheme for Heterogeneous
Multiprocessor Architectures, ACM
Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, TACO January 2013 (with
Mehmet Belviranli and Rajiv Gupta)
Multiprocessor/Data Center:
Coordinated Time Budget Assignment for Latency, Quality, and Power Optimization
in Web Search,” IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance
Computer Architecture (HPCA), Feb 2022 (with Liang Zhou and K.K.
pMACH: Power and Migration Aware Container scheduling, IEEE
International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), November 2021 (with Sourav
Panda and K.K. Ramakrishnan)
Gemini: Learning to Manage
CPU Power for Latency-Critical Search Engines, ACM/IEEE Symposium on
Microarchitecture (MICRO), October 2020 (with Liang Zhou and K.K.
Goldilocks: Adaptive Resource Provisioning in Containerized
Data Centers, International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 19), July 2019, (with
L. Zhou and K.K. Ramakrishnan)
µDPM: Dynamic Power Management for the Microsecond
Era, 25th International
Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA19), Feb 2019 (with Chi-hsun
Chou and Daniel Wong)
TailCut: Power Reduction under
Quality and Latency Constraints in Distributed Search Systems,
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Atlanta, GA,
June 2017 (with C. Chou and S. Ren)
DynSleep: Fine-Grained Power
Management for a Latency-Critical Data Center Application, International
Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISPLED), August 2016 (with C.
Chou and D. Wong)
Tumbler: An Effective Load
Balancing Technique for MultiCPU Multicore Systems,
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), January 2015 (with K Pusukuri and R. Gupta)
Shuffling: A Framework for
Lock Contention Aware Thread Scheduling for Multicore Multiprocessor Systems,
International Conference on
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, PACT 2014 (with K Pusukuri and R. Gupta)
ADAPT: A Framework for Coscheduling Multithreaded Programs, ACM Transactions on Architecture and
Code Optimization (TACO), January 2013 (with K Pusukuri and R. Gupta)
Maintaining Data Consistency in Structured P2P
Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Nov
2012 (with Yi Hu and Min Feng)
Network Packet Processing:
- SmartWatch: Accurate
Traffic Analysis and Flow-state Tracking for Intrusion Prevention using SmartNICs,” International Conference on
Emerging Networking Experiments and Technology (CoNEXT),
Dec 2021 (with Sourav Panda et al)
- A Multicore
Vacation Scheme for Thermal-Aware Packet Processing, International
Conference on Computer Design, ICCD 2015 (with Chih-Hsun
- Thermal-Aware
Vacation and Rate Adaptation for Network Packet Processing, ACM/IEEE
Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communication Systems, ANCS
2014 (with Chih-Hsun Chou)
- A Scalable Hash Scheduler for Decoding of Multiple
H.264/AVC Streams on Multicore Architecture, IEEE International Conference on
Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2014 (with Dung Vu and Jilong Kuang)
- An Efficient Parallelized
L7-Filter Design for Multicore Servers, IEEE/ACM Transactions on
Networking, October 2012 (with D. Guo and B. Liu)
- Traffic-aware Power Optimization for Network
Applications on Multicore Servers, ACM Design Automation Conference
(DAC), San Francisco, June 2012 (with J. Kuang
and R. Klefstad)
- A QoS Aware Multicore Hash Scheduler for
Network Applications , IEEE INFOCOM, Shanghai, China, April 2011
(with D. Guo).
- LATA: A Latency and Throughput-Aware Packet
Processing System , ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), Anaheim,
June 2010 (with J. Kuang).
- Optimizing Throughput and Latency under
Given Power Budget for Network Packet Processing , IEEE INFOCOM, San
Diego, CA, March 2010 (with J. Kuang).
- Ordered Round Robin: An Efficient Sequence
Preserving Scheduler for Network Processors , IEEE Transactions on
Computers, December 2008, pp. 1690-1703 (with J. Yao and J. Guo).
- NePSim: A Network
Processor Simulator with Power Evaluation Framework , IEEE Micro,
Special Issue on Network Processors, September/October 2004, (with Y. Luo
et al).
Network I/O Architectures:
- Analyzing
Performance and Power Efficiency of Network Processing over 10GbE, Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing (JPDC), Special Issue on Communication
Architectures for Scalable Systems, 2012 (with G. Liao)
- A
New Server I/O Architecture for High Speed Networks , International
Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), San Antonio,
TX, Feb 2011 (with G. Liao and X.Zhu)
- A New TCB Cache to Efficiently Manage TCP
Sessions for Web Servers , ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architecture of
Networks and Communication Systems (ANCS), San Diego, CA, October 2010
(with G. Liao, W. Wu and H. Yu)
- Performance Measurement of an Integrated NIC
Architecture with 10GbE , IEEE Hot Interconnect Symposium, Palo Alto,
CA, August 2009, (with G. Liao)
- Hardware Support for Accelerating Data Movement in
Server Platform , IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 56, No.6, June
2007, pp. 740-753 (With L. Zhao, et.al.)
- A Network Processor-Based Content Aware
Switch , IEEE Micro, Special Issue on High-Performance Interconnects,
May/June 2006, (with L. Zhao, et al).
- Anatomy of UDP and MVIA for Cluster
Communication , Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing,
Special Issue on Cluster and Grid Computing, 2005, (with X. Zhang and W.