Photo by Amos Nachoum

The UCR Matrix Profile Page

Funded by NSF  IIS 1161997 II, IIS 1510741, CNS 1544969

observations of the magnetosphere collected by the Cassini spacecraft in orbit around Saturn.. this case, the best-performing method was the Matrix Profile.. Kiri L. Wagstaf et. al. NASA JPL.2020
For Gear Anomaly Detection .. compared to (existing) methods, the Matrix Profile is more reliable; compared to an AI method the results are equally reliable, require far less data, and is free of parameter-intensive models Hurwitz and Hood, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory (2022)
(working with animal nervous system) we decided to use matrix profile analysis, since it is robust, scalable, computationally efficient, largely parameter free, and capable of identifying both recurring motives and anomalies in the data. Athira et al 2022 [link]
We show that Matrix Profile detects (Border Gateway Protocol) BGP anomalies in all categories. We directly compare the approach to Deep Learning techniques .. (but) MP can detect anomalous activity earlier than other techniques. We show that Matrix Profile provides a better understanding of some key BGP incidents that are consistent with previous research that showed potentially hidden anomalous behavior which may represent an early stage of BGP anomalies. The ability to detect BGP anomalies early, as demonstrated by Matrix Profile, is akin to having a highly accurate fire alarm that alerts well in advance of an emergency, rather than too late to be of any use. Scott et al. 2024  Computer Networks
In this paper, the problem of bridge health monitoring .. is achieved through automatic feature learning by adopting the concept of matrix profile.. M. Makki Alamdari, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 2024
Our method for Anomaly Detection in Gas Turbines employs nearest neighbor methods to pinpoint the exact data points within the Matrix Profile that correspond to these highly impactful anomalies. Ghazvini et al 2024.
We developed an ensemble of discords, i.e. anomalies in time series, detected using matrix profiles across multiple discord lengths to identify multiple types of Expert Defined Linguistic Features (EDLFs)... Nwosu et al. AAAI 2023.
(we) demonstrate that, in general, the matrix profile and discord discovery methods outperform the existing deep learning methods in terms of detection accuracy. Lee,  Malacarne & Aune Pattern Recognition 2024
Surprisingly, as will be demonstrated, change point detection using the matrix profile algorithm is very effective in time series segmentation.. Madani and Vlajic 2022
 It turns out that the information provided by the matrix profile can efficiently address many if not most problems in basic time series analysis. Steve Huntsman
For both distinct and multiple events, we detect anomalies with the Discord Aware Matrix Profile (DAMP) algorithm.. (they show us) a severe local flood and social events show a similar impact on human mobility. Loreti et. al. 2024.
  Having demonstrated that motif identification using matrix profiling is a potent method for identifying the basic behavioral building blocks of Ciona behavior.. The main advantages of matrix profiling are that it is robust, scalable, computationally efficient, and largely parameter free Chatzigeorgiou 2022.
(see the bottom of the page for more quotes)

The Matrix Profile (and the algorithms to compute it: STAMP, STAMPI, STOMP, SCRIMP, SCRIMP++, SWAMP, DAMP, SCAMP, GPU-STOMP, TranSCRIMP, TranSCAMP and TranSCAMPfpga), has the potential to revolutionize time series data mining because of its generality, versatility, simplicity and scalability.  In particular it has implications for time series motif discovery, time series joins, shapelet discovery (classification), density estimation, semantic segmentation, visualization, rule discovery, clustering etc (note, for pure similarity search, we suggest you see MASS for Euclidean Distance, and the UCR Suite for DTW)

Big news! The Matrix Profile is now an official primitive in the Matlab Language.

Our overarching claim abuot the Matrix Profile has three parts:

1) Given only the Matrix Profile, most time series data mining tasks are trivial.
2) The Matrix Profile can be computed very efficiently.
3) Algorithms that are built on top the Matrix Profile inherit all its desirable properties. For example, we can use the Matrix Profile to find time series motifs. Because the Matrix Profile can be incrementally computed, we have the first incremental time series motif discovery algorithm. Because the Matrix Profile can be computed in an anytime fashion, we have the first anytime time series motif discovery algorithm. Because the Matrix Profile can leverage GPUs, we have..
The advantages of using the Matrix Profile (over hashing, indexing, brute forcing a dimensionality reduced representation etc.) for most time series data mining tasks include:
  1. It is exact: For motif discovery, discord discovery, time series joins etc., the Matrix Profile based methods provide no false positives or false dismissals.
  2. It is simple and parameter-free: In contrast, the more general spatial access method algorithms typically require building and tuning spatial access methods and/or hash function.
  3. It is space efficient: Matrix Profile construction algorithms requires an inconsequential space overhead, just linear in the time series length with a small constant factor, allowing massive datasets to be processed in main memory.
  4. It allows anytime algorithms: While our exact algorithms are extremely scalable, for extremely large datasets we can compute the Matrix Profile in an anytime fashion, allowing ultra-fast approximate solutions.
  5. It is incrementally maintainable: Having computed the Matrix Profile for a dataset, we can incrementally update it very efficiently. In many domains this means we can effectively maintain exact joins/motifs/discords on streaming data forever.
  6. It does not require the user to set similarity/distance thresholds: For time series joins, the Matrix Profile provides full joins, eliminating the need to specify a similarity threshold, which is an unintuitive task for time series.
  7. It can leverage hardware: Matrix Profile construction is embarrassingly parallelizable, both on multicore processors and in distributed systems.
  8. It has time complexity that is constant in subsequence length: This is a very unusual and desirable property; all known time series join/motif/discord algorithms scale poorly as the subsequence length grows. In contrast, we have shown time series joins/motifs with subsequences lengths up to 100,000, at least two orders of magnitude longer than any other work we are aware of.
  9. It can be constructed in deterministic time: All join/motif/discord algorithms we are aware of can radically different times to finish on two (even slightly) different datasets. In contrast, given only the length of the time series, we can precisely predict in advance how long it will take to compute the Matrix Profile
  10. It can handle missing data: Even in the presence of missing data, we can provide answers which are guaranteed to have no false negatives.

Given all these features, the Matrix Profile has implications for many, perhaps most, time series data mining tasks.


The First Matrix Profile Tutorial

Part 1: PPT or PDF
Part 2: PPT or PDF

MP Tutorial

100 Time Series Data Mining Questions (with Answers!)
Just the PDF
Code and Data in a ZIP

This document contains one hundred simple time series questions such as Have we ever seen a pattern that looks just like this? and Is there any pattern that is common to these two time series?, with worked examples of the answers, with all (simple!) code and data.

100 questions


Code by the Community
: Here we list some MP implementations by others. Naturally we neither take credit (or blame) for any of this work.  Python, R, Golang.
Sean Law created an open sourced a distributed and multicore Python library. Check out the Matrix Profile Foundation.
Parallel implementations of the Matrix Profile SCRIMP++ algorithm for high performance computing clusters based on MPI.

Zach Zimmerman has released SCAMP, the fastest way to compute matrix profiles on CPU and GPU. It has a python module and command line tool usable on windows, mac, and linux, with or without a GPU.
The company has a Khiva library of efficient algorithms to analyze time series with both GPU and CPU support.
Sean Law has released STUMPY, a powerful and scalable Python Matrix Profile github library. Sean is completely independent from the UCR team, but has been a great advocate of the MP.

Code by the UCR Team:

GPU/CPU Code: This is the SCAMP source code on GitHub.

Matlab Code: Version 3.0    
(Faster code is avaible, see 100 Questions above. But we strongly recommend you start with the below).

Please note this code is not STAMP or STOMP, but SCRIMP++ (which appears in Matrix Profile XI), which is as fast as STOMP, but also an anytime algorithm. The code is wrapped inside a simple Matlab GUI (that adds a lot of time overhead), to allow non-specailists to interact with their data. If you are writing a paper, please do not comparing timing results to this version, it would not be fair to us (contact us for the faster, but less user friendly code).

First read this, then download this data (some penguin data) and download the code into your Matlab path:
At the command line, type...

>> load MP_first_test_penguin_sample
>> [matrixProfile, profileIndex, motifIndex, discordIndex] = interactiveMatrixProfileVer3_website(smooth(penguin_sample,10) ,800);

As you can see from the image below, even though the data has 109,043 datapoints, and the subsequence is high dimensional (800 datapoints), in about a second we have already found some very interesting motifs:
The first is a valley happens during a dive.   

Happy motif hunting, from the Matrix Profile team

GUI  of Stamp Tool

What people are saying about the Matrix Profile...

Matrix Profile (MP) was tested on real-world background 1-second spectral data collected across various locations, with results demonstrating MPs effectiveness in modeling background structures for measurements taken in the same location. Additionally, MP modeling outperformed the traditional method of using raw measurement averages..  Alamaniotis. Scientific Reports volume 15, Article number: 3740 (2025)
For Improved Load Disaggregation Prediction we utilize the matrix profile thereby uncovering the intricate structure  Bouchur and Reinhardt 2025
the matrix profile method was utilized to identify repeated heart rate patterns. identifying features of heart rate that are associated with nicotine vaping  Puyang Zhao et al 2025
The introduction of the Matrix Profile marked a significant advancement in anomaly detection and time series analysis in general. Matthias Boehm et. al. 2025
To address these issues, this study employs the Matrix Profile algorithm to realize segment extraction. The Matrix Profile algorithm  exhibits two notable advantages: rapid computation speed and minimal number of hyperparameters.  Zhang and Hongkun  2025
Leveraging Data Seasonality and Matrix Profile for Anomaly Detection: Application to Climate Time Series Florent Masseglia et al 2025
DAMP (Discord Aware Matrix Profile) demonstrated more stable overall performance in the presence of increasing concept drift    Fei Chiang 2024.
For instance, DAMP beats all DL methods by a large margin showing an average F1-score of 0.28 against only 0.13 for the best-performing DL-technique.   Aouada et al 2024
the Matrix Profile technique successfully improved the appliance classification accuracy in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) applications. Kwan-Hua Sim et al 2025
We find anomalous subsequences using ..Discord Aware Matrix Profile (DAMP) Rewicki et. al. 2025
We apply the Matrix Profile algorithm to 100 days of continuous data starting 10 days before the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquakes 
Shearer et. al. 2024.
The experimental results show that the method based on multidimensional Matrix Profile can effectively avoid the multi-parameter and data dependency problems of deep learning models, and has high scalability and flexibility Lui et. al. 2024
Matrix Profile Based Algorithms Using Self-Collected Data for Detecting DDoS Attacks in loT Equipment Sinan el al. 2024
.based on the matrix profile technique, which can effectively identify events such as voltage dips, even in noisy signal environments or when events overlap. Castello et. al. 2024
Discovering Power Patterns in time varying HPC Workloads with Matrix Profile. Sattar et. al. 2024.
MPSleepNet: matrix profile-guided transformer for multi-channel sleep classification. .this work not only underscores the efficacy of Matrix Profile in sleep classification. Liu et. al. 2024
(for) Detecting Neuromotor Developmental Disabilities in Infants we utilized the Scalable Time series Anytime Matrix Profile (STAMP) algorithm  Cyrus Shahabi et. al. 2024
Application of the matrix profile algorithm for detecting abnormalities in rat electrocardiograms.. The MP algorithm excels in analyzing ECG data. 
Yuhji Taquahashi et. al 2024
calculate a matrix profile with the similarity between each time series sub-sequence and the seed. for Facial Expression Recognition.
Silva Souza et. al.  2024
we use a modifed version of the Matrix Profile algorithm to find range motifs within state-only driving trajectories 
Zhao 2024
Despite the minimal changes in the dynamic properties of the bridge, the Matrix Profile is still capable of detecting the changes in the state of the structure, which is very promising.
Hamedania 2024
To pinpoint outlier genomic regions harboring potential signatures of polygenic adaptation, we leveraged the Matrix Profile algorithm.  Tripathi et al. Nucleic Acids Research, 2024
The cycles were extracted from the times series using the Matrix profile method. Goina 2024
To assist analysts in swiftly detecting abnormal conditions in sequences, we compute the sequences Matrix Profile using the SCAMP algorithm Lou et. al 2024
In this study, we harness the Matrix Profile algorithm for enhanced peatland monitoring and analysis.. Dragana 2024
 To enhance time-series classification (for Failure diagnosis), we utilize the Matrix Profile   Wang et. al 2024.
In order to use Matrix Profile .. a few modifications are performed.  Lee and Iwana 2024
..a gait gesture recognizer is developed and tested ..this involves comparing the matrix profile of the normal stride as the query pattern with the matrix profile  Tsai 2024
(for) leak detection in a water distribution network the Matrix Profile  method was more efficient in leaks with gradual increase in flow. Barros et al 2024
for Single Lead Sleep Apnea in Classification Problem.. our proposed methodology draws inspiration from Matrix Profile algorithms.. a groundbreaking data structure for time series analysis Nguyen et al 2024
Deep Matrix Profile for Maneuver Classification in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Trajectories. Baudier et al 2024.
the matrix profile technique can effectively identify events such as voltage dips, even in noisy signal environments or when events overlap.. Castell et al 2024
utilizing Matrix Profile with the DDDAS Framework for Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Security. Alamaniotis 2024
We utilize Stumpy for the prototype extraction by finding repeated subsequences along the matrix profile for unsupervised learning of eye state prototypes for semantically rich blinking detection. Xie 2024.
We used another unsupervised machine learning tool, the matrix profile, to learn regimes from data..  for cartel screening.  Sylwester Bejger. 2024
(for) anomalies within the domain of Bio-Regenerative Life Support Systems..  Discord Aware Matrix Profile accounts for the majority (77.9%) of the detections. Rewicki et al. 2024
Results show that Matrix Profile is effective for CA purposes, leading to 99% of accuracy when a single user is authorized.  Ibanez-Lissen 2024
We propose TRAINER, a TRustworthy Artificial Intelligence based iNsulin recommend ER for elderly individuals with type 2 diabetes using the Matrix Profile anomalies can be detected, which can indicate potential sensor errors or abnormal conditions, contributing to system robustness. Padmapritha et al. 2024
Our framework draws inspiration from a corpus of prior research in animal and human behavior quantification. Matrix Profile (MP) is an elegant solution for identifying similarity between segments which can form a basis for motif discovery in time series.. Zinkovskaia et al.. Nature Scientific Reports 2024
For mood state change in bipolar disorder (we use the) Matrix Profile, linking the non-trivial subsequences together in a computationally efficient manner for identifying change points Jakobsen et al. 2024
 the generation of a fusion time series based on the matrix profile becomes crucial, as it creates distinguishable patterns that can be leveraged to verify the presence of a replay attack.  Gargoum 2024
Matrix Profile meets Contrastive Learning: A Novel approach to Time series Anomaly Detection..Alessandro Gelsi 2024
Our approach is founded on the utilization of Matrix Profile, a time series analysis technique introduced to yield valuable insights into the underlying patterns and structures within the data.Bahaa Al-Musawi 2024
This work introduced IMD-MP (Imputation of Missing Data using Matrix Profile), a new technique that improves imputation accuracy for big data analysis in IoT applications Lakshmi 2024

The evolution of the robots jumping gait was keenly observed through advanced motif search techniques, , namely the consensus motif matrix profile Allred 2023
For the detection of any stage of cardiac autonomic neuropathy, the approach combining motifs and discords yielded the best results.  Irlik et al  2024
To address these limitations, this paper proposes a space matrix profile criterion (MP-S) based on the matrix profile (MP) algorithm to achieve multi-scale cascading geomagnetic matching similarity measurement  Yixuan et al 2024
 the application of stateof-the-art motif discovery algorithms SCRIMP++ and OSTINATO to EEG recordings and propose a workflow from motif extraction to building a classifier with high predictive performance treatment response in depression patients Kraljevska 2024
To assist analysts in swiftly detecting abnormal conditions in sequences, we compute the sequences Matrix Profile (mp) using the SCAMP algorithm . Luo et all (2024). Journal of Visualization
.. given the matrix profile/resulting corrected arc curve contains information about a possible regime change at each location of a time series.. we employ a similar approach to knee and keen-onset identification. Zhang et al 2024
the MERLIN algorithm manages to capture both the short-term and long-term anomalies contained in the machine test set, resulting in it outperforming all of the considered transformer-based methods Stehle et al 2024
Matrix Profile Unleashed: A Solution to IoT Data Redundancy Challenges (title of paper) Safa Ali Abdo Hussein wt al 2024
To enhance time-series classification, we utilize the Matrix Profile project.. Wang et al. ACM Trans. Des. Autom. Electron. Syst 2024
The proposed drive-by bridge inspection framework presented in this study is built on the recently introduced Matrix Profile (MP) representation of a time series  Makki Alamdari 2024
we developed and proposed a multidimensional temporal anomaly detection method based on a multidimensional Matrix Profile for transmission networks with a high proportion of new energy.  Liu et al. 2023
(the) proposed matrix profile helps to identify relevant time points toward longer inputs for models. Schlegel 2023
The cleaning mode triggers vibrations that confuse the machine fault detection system, resulting in false alarms. To address this, we use an approach capable of detecting frequent motifs and non-frequent motifs from the matrix profile output. Thoufeeq and Ashok 2023
we employ the cutting-edge MERLIN algorithm  to detect variable-length anomalies Sun, et al ICDE 2024
the Matrix Profile algorithm was used to find motifs, i.e., repetitive patterns, in those windows, with a length of 400 ms. (this allows) robust approach for accurate cardiac energy assessment in patients with various cardiovascular condition.
Hossein et al. Sensors 2024
it is important to be able to effectively extract the sales correlation between products from retail datasets. In this work, we use the fast matrix profile (MP) to discover 
Li et al Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 2023
(after apply the Matrix Profile to three diverse domains) The matrix profile has proved to be a useful tool in terms of making most time series data mining tasks intuitive and to require less effort compared to other methods..  Hehir and Smeaton 2023.
this study demonstrates that matrix profile data can enhance attention-based models.. Butler and Crane. 2023
The experimental results indicate that the MP algorithm can detect all anomalies. The accuracy of the fault detection algorithm based on the split cycle is found to be unstable.. (but the) Reinforcement Learning Matrix Profile) algorithm designed in this paper achieves an average accuracy of 83.25%..  Wang 2024
One of the core concepts behind (our work) LS-USS is the matrix profile.  Strommen et al. 2023.
(Finding) repetitions in ship roll time simulation data becomes rapidly very demanding computationally. For this reason, it is necessary to employ some optimization of the searching algorithm (of the Matrix Profile
) Tsoumpelis and Spyrou 2023
We introduce an anomaly detection paradigm for healthcare. The proposed paradigm inherits the features from two state-of-the-art algorithms: STAMP and Scalable STOMP. Razaque 2022
applying the Matrix Profile technique and the pattern (motif) recognition methods  we also observe the practicality and effectiveness of these methods for performance anomaly detection. Wallace, Ombuki-Berman and  Ezzati-Jivan (2023)
for anomaly detection of axial piston pumps the Matrix Profile is chosen   Dong et. al.  IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2023
(we observe) matrix profile based methods perform well on different datasets... He et al. 2023
Using the matrix profile to compare subsequences of the time series to the most recent pattern, I discovered that the level of the late 1990s was the most similar to the current situation. This is interesting as there were similar extreme flooding events during this period. Paul dos Santos (2023)
The underlying principles behind the Matrix Profile are delightfully simple yet powerful. Markus Heidt (2022).
The Matrix profile approach long serves as a fundamental data mining method to investigate time series, widely accepted in the data science community and has been successfully applied to various application domains.. Ju et al. IPDPS 2022.
For our purposes, the information 'source runs stably or not' can be extracted by observing the statistical properties of the matrix-profile data-array Geithner et al. IPAC2021
(for) intrusion detection in industrial network traffic, distances as calculated with Matrix Profiles rises significantly during the attacks. a result, time series-based anomaly detection methods are capable of detecting deviations and anomalies.  Schotten (2019).
The results in the Matric Profile provide insights into the stability of the patterns presented in the players. Guglielmo et. al.
Based on the concept of Matrix Profile ..without relying on time series synchronization.. the Railway Technologies Laboratory of Virginia Tech has been developing an automated onboard data analysis for the maintenance track system  Ahmadian et. al. JRC2019
Matrix Profile is the state-of-the-art similarity-based outlier detection methodChristian Jensen et. al. IJCAI-19
we use the exact method based on the Matrix Profile (to assess the effectiveness of therapy) Funkner et al Procedia 2019.
Recently, a research group from UCR have proposed a powerful tool - the Matrix Profile (MP) as a primitive...(we use it for) fault detection Jing Zhang et al. ICPHM 2019
Inspecting both graphs one can see that the matrix-profile algorithm was able to identify regions where there is a  change on the power level over the observed band. F Lobao 2019.
RAMP builds upon an existing time series data analysis technique called Matrix Profile to detect anomalous distances...collected from scientific workflows in an online manner. Herath et. al. IEEE Big Data 2019
Based on obtained results for the considered data set, matrix profiles turned out to be most suitable for the task of anomaly detection Lohfink et al. VISSEC2019
The computation speed and exactness of the Matrix Profile make it a powerful tool and (our) results back this. Barry & Crane AICS 2019
(examining) manufacturing batches considering raw amperage (we found that the) Matrix Profile highlights anomalies Hillion & O'Connell of TIBCO Data Science. re:Invent 2019. [video]
we use the exact method based on the matrix profile to search for motifs (that) can be used to monitor the patient's condition, to assess the effectiveness of therapy or to assess the physician's actions. Funknera et al. YSCCS 2019
(The Matrix Profile is a) similarity join to measure the similarity between two given sequences. we opt for the median of the profile array as the representative distance (3D Dancing Move Synthesis from Music)" Anh et al. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (video)
We were amazed by the power of MP and seek to incorporate it into our framework Ye and Ageno.
..adopting the concept of (the) Matrix Profile, we conduct the first attempt to.. J. Zuo et. al. Big Data 20019
The accuracies obtained ...indicate that the Matrix Profile is useful for the task at hand instead of using the CNN features directly  Dhruv Batheja
To speed up online bad PMU data detection a fast discovery strategy is introduced based on (the Matrix Profile)  Zhu and Hill.
Specifically, ALDI uses the matrix profile method to quantify the similarities of daily subsequences in time series meter data, Zoltan Nagy, Energy & Buildings (2020)
Our two-fold approach first leverages the Matrix Profile technique for time series data mining.. Nichiforov 2020.
 the class of matrix profile algorithms.. a promising approach, as it allows simplified post-processing and analysis steps by examining the resulting matrix profile structureA. Raoofy et al.
We only require information about the time of several critical incidents to train our methods, as previously. To this end, we employ the Matrix Profle.. Bellas. et al.
a matrix-profile based algorithm applied across all trajectory data against a validation set revealed four significant motifs which we defined as motif A, B, C and D..  Fernandez Alvarez 2020.
The main building block of this (game analytics) algorithm is the matrix profile, Saadat and Sukthankar AAAI2020
We call the custom Matrix Profile and box-plot approach as STUMPI-BP and employ it for all types of time series that.. Huawei Ireland Research Centre
The state-of-the-art exact anytime method for motif and discord discovery is matrix profile. Onur Mutlu et al.
Matrix Profile requires less training time, data and parameter tuning compared to other data mining methods.. Stamatescu et al.
(our) approach is based on matrix profile,  which is a method for time series analysis that is robust, domain-agnostic, and computationally efficient. Van Hoecke et al 2020
(we conducted) five cases, which demonstrate how the matrix profile based pattern recognition approach can be used in the power boiler environment. In general (this) resulted in promising outcomes. Liisa Nokelainen 2020.
To investigate the physiological reaction, we used Matrix Profile..   Lalanne et al. 2020
Our time series mining uses the Matrix Profile approach.. Poerwawinata 2020
To this end, by adopting the concept Shapelet and Matrix Profile, we conduct the first attempt to.. Zeitouni et al.
Three anomalies were found near bridges and were indicated as low priority track issues. Two anomalies were... The Matrix Profiler found all these anomalies Steenwinckel et al 2020
Matrix Profile is a dimension reduction approach which requires less training time, data and parameter tuning compared to other data mining methods. Nichiforov et al.
Our solution will rely on Matrix Profile to allocate these discords in order to learn the anomalies. Alshaer et al.
The state-of-the-art exact anytime method for motif and discord discovery is matrix profile. Fernandez et. al.
Out of these methods, matrix profile is chosen in this paper due to its scalability and computational efficiency, while being also robust and parameter-free. Herrera et al 2021
The Matrix Profile (MP) algorithm has the potential to revolutionise many areas of data analysis.. Cartwright et al Engineering Proceedings
..we detect and locate the appearance of repeating patterns based on the Matrix Profile.. Li et al. IEEE MASS
We leverage the Matrix Profile (MP) to create a  micro-service-based machinery monitoring solution Naskos et al 2021
SLMAD uses statistical-learning and employs a robust box-plot algorithm and Matrix Profile (MP) to detect anomalies. Team from Huawei/UCD.
We found that all these similarity or randomness measures can be estimated with variants of the highly efficient Matrix Profile (MP) algorithm.  Austin Health/ University of Melbourne
We present, to the best of our knowledge, the first FPGA implementation of a Matrix Profile algorithm. Future Generation Computer Systems 2021
Out of these methods, matrix profile is chosen in this article due to its scalability and computational efficiency, while being also robust doing so increased accuracy and computational efficiency for detecting where and when anomalies and pattern irregularities occur.  PARLIKAD et al 2021
Our approach exploits the synergism of the matrix profile data analysis technique. Nichiforov et al. Energies 2021, 14, 7465.
Our version of time series analysis is based on Matrix Profile. Onur Mutlu et al. 2022
(to diagnose) Decubitus Prophylaxis we use the Matrix Profile. Richter et. al.  PerCom 2022
We successfully detected a deauthentication attack on a smart farm architecture using MERLIN, a (discord) distance-based anomaly detection algorithm.  Sina Sontowski 2022
 we detect and locate the appearance of repeating patterns based on the Matrix Profile. Lit et al. 2021 IEEE Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems.
Another use case for the metamodel is the processing of more than 200,000 time series with a total of more than 30 million individual data points. ..for detecting anomalies and finding regime change locations, Matrix Profile algorithms are used.. Latapie et al. Front. Psychol., 20 May 2022
For detecting Decubitus Prophylaxis we use the Matrix Profile. Grunerbel et. al. 2022 IEEE Pervasive Computing and Communications.
As the most complex and largest dataset, the BETH dataset presents challenges to any anomaly detection technique. The matrix profile anomaly detector presented here performed well, not missing any of the evil outliers. Alexander Beattie 2022
..our new recovery method that uses the matrix profile  to extract the top-k repeated patterns from sensor nodes within the same group and.. Berjab et al 2022
The matrix profile based framework yielded a cumulative average recall value of 0.92. This is proof that this algorithm is working remarkably well. Gandra 2022, Anomaly Detection for Smart Infrastructure: An Unsupervised Approach for Time Series Comparison
The Matrix Profile algorithm is well-suited for anomaly detection tasks such as this.. We found that all these similarity or randomness measures can be estimated with variants of the highly efficient Matrix Profile.. Wang 2022
To implement this concept, the matrix profile algorithm was chosen.   S. Costa et al.   J. Sens. Actuator Netw. 2022
The proposed approach employs a pattern recognition technique derived from the matrix profile (MP) .. for the automatic detection of energy consumption anomalies at the whole-building level. Chiosa et al. 2022
We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method over state-of-the-art methods (based on) a solution based on Contextual Matrix Profile (CMP), an exact and ultra-fast distance-based anomaly detection algorithm. Bijlani 2022
..solve these problems by a modified approach in which a time series prediction used matrix profile with adjacent pairs.. Tran et al 2022
For this task (Telemonitored Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ), we employed method Matrix Profile..  Rodrigues et al 2022
.. and use the time window and the matrix profile to obtain the local correlation of the co-occurrence time series data.. Lin et al 2022
..the preliminary findings illustrate that the matrix profile algorithm can efficiently detect IoT-based DDoS attacks. Alzahrani et al. 2020
For decarbonizing primary steel production one of the methods to gain a deeper understanding of the data and extract patterns and anomalies embedded in the dataset, is .. Matrix profile .. an innovative and fast technique.  Bhaskar et al. 2022.
The approach used by SHAPEwarp is inspired by the BLAST algorithm and it builds on top of .. Matrix Profile. Morandi et al. nature communications 2022.
Our results suggest that AU features extracted using the Matrix Profile method  can be used to discriminate between experts, intermediates, and novices when used to train a classifier.  Guglielmo et al. 2022
Specifically, the Matrix Profile algorithm is shown to be well suited as a generalizable approach for detecting real-time anomalies in streaming time-series data. The Matrix Profile is shown to behave robustly and accurately for all fault types presented.  Beattie et al. 2022
(our work) inherits the speed, accuracy, and simplicity of the Matrix Profile, providing configurability, the ability to denoise and detect patterns, and explainability to clinical practitioners Bijlani et al. 2022
matrix profilebased methods perform well on different datasets of the TSB-UAD benchmark, Xiao He (Alibaba Group 2023)
In a more accurate labeling scenario, the Matrix Profile based fast low-cost online semantic segmentation algorithm (FLOSS) is used to acquire more fine-grained signal boundary location. Chaochao Qiu, Advanced Engineering Informatics (2023)
It should be noted that from a computational point of view, the time and complexity Matrix Profile is the most suitable method to be used in time-series data mining because it offers fast processing times and highly reliable results (i.e., very few false-positives) given that it is less prone to load data variability Nichiforov and Alamaniotis..... Cogent Engineering (2023), 10: 2199518
Here the Matrix Profile approach is applied for the identification of Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) events in the NGRIP δ18 O ice core record and its classification in terms of shape of the transition. Susana Barbosa  EGU23
The algorithm that we adopt in this work (to monitor Battery Capacity) called Scalable Time series Anytime Matrix Profile (STAMP). Zhang, Altaf, Wik and Gros (2023)
This study used Mobile Spatial Statistics combined with the Matrix Profile 403 approach to explore anomaly detection feasibility in population data.  Mas and Koshimura (2023)
Multimodal Satellite Image Time Series Analysis Using GAN-Based Domain Translation and Matrix Profile
(paper title) Anamaria Radoi 2022.
However, the matrix profile method is able to characterise the similarity of shape patterns between DO events in an objective and consistent way. Susana Barbosa EGU23
.. using the matrix profile method from local flow measurements in the wake of an oscillating circular cylinder generated from 2-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations of VIV...  Cann et al 2023.
We also provide a short introduction to the most powerful algorithms on the market, the family of algorithms based on the Matrix Profile.. Julien Siebert and Markus Heidt
 a forecasting framework as early-warning system for potential imbalances in the local energy network One key novelty is  the matrix profile, with state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms, Stamatescu  and Albu
In this study, we demonstrate the application of the Matrix Profile to the task of Transient Pattern Analysis in Time-Domain Astrophysics..  Phungtua-eng, Yamamoto, and Sako 2023
The Matrix Profile method was used for the first time in magnetic-sequencebased localization. By using matrix profile, the overall computational cost drops.. KADIOĞLU and ERKMEN 2023
We observe that, when using the matrix profile method, there is a statistically significant difference between the results of the analysis on steady state and non-steady state benchmarks Wallace et al 2023
demonstrate an approach for the automated discovery of repeated motifs in audio: state-of-the-art source separation, predominant pitch extraction using the Melodia algorithm and ultra-fast means of time series motif detection via the matrix profile  Nuttall et al 2023
Sensor-based remote health monitoring of persons living with dementia .. We propose and evaluate a solution based on the Matrix Profile, an exact, ultra-fast distance-based anomaly detection algorithm Bijlani et al 2023
for condition monitoring of planetary gearboxes matrix profile guide multiple residual average (MPGMRA) is introduced to extract fault impulses. Li et al. Measurement Vol 218, 15 August 2023
programmatic analysis of parallel execution traces We utilize matrix profile (for)  programmatic analysis of parallel execution traces  Bhatele et al. 2023
to explore the effcacy of content-based music recommendations alongside a uniquely generated Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) virtual environment It relies on calculating the matrix profle. Burch et al AAAI 2023
The Matrix Profile model, on the other hand, provides promising results with a majority of anomalies detected and a relatively limited number of false positives. . Matrix Profile obtained results equivalent to the two experts.   Zidaoui et al. Water Science & Technology 2023
To deal with these issues, we discover representative subsequences called (Matrix Profile) snippets from the time series and utilize snippets to..    Liu et al. 2023.
..used the Matrix Profiles of the eye movement time series to automatically detect motifs.. by then analyzing participants recorded audio at moments of detected ocular motifs, repeated sections of music could be identified.. Lauren Fink. ICMPC17-APSCOM7.
  for the detection of major depressive disorder..   ..the pMatrixProfile distinguished the MDD and control group in all 30 EEG channels studied  Uudeberg et al. 2023
A novel method named matrix profile guide multiple residual average (MPGMRA) is introduced to extract fault impulses  Li et al 2023.
A matrix profile is constructed for the winds, temperature, salinity, ocean currents ..significantly reduces the subjective uncertainties arising from manual search especially in long time series of climate data. Rao 2023 OSICON23
This enables us to identify a reference stride by comparing it to a pre-defined model stride for similarity using a targeted matrix profile algorithm.. Cyril Voisard et al 2023
For Anomaly Detection of Axial Piston Pumps. the proposed approach uses phase information to annotate the Matrix Profile to preferentially Chang Dong et al. 2023
On the use of matrix profiles .. for multivariate time series anomaly detection within structural health monitoring P. Cheema  et. al. 2023
We quantified the number of matches per template by cross-correlating each template with the wrist positions during all sessions prior to surgery (using the Matrix Profile) Hardcastle et al. 2023.
 matrix profile which is capable of identifying both periodicity and anomalies within a time series segment. (using KNN-MP) this approach significantly improved detection accuracy  Baodong Wu et al., 2023.
Moreover, the SiMPle (Matrix Profile) method outperforms all the other models in time-based efficiency. Gurjar et al. 2023
We propose an improved joint signal fault cloud edge intelligent detection system based on Matrix Profile algorithm for robot online fault detection   Wang et al Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 2024
 we modify the Matrix Profile of the time series, using an Annotation Vector it outperforms in terms of specificity, sensitivity and recall one of the state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) methods. Makrygiannis and Stamatopoulos 2023
Matrix Profile is used to improve the classification ability of temporal neural networks by providing.. Suresh & Iwana 2023
The consensus motif is evaluated by selecting the most frequent motif in the time series using the  (Matrix Profile) algorithm ostinato   Reddy et al. Neuroscience. 2023
We make heavy use of a Matrix Profile (MP) method in our predictive maintenance system. Torim 2023
Inspired by the (Matrix Profile) MPdist, let D be a matrix of distances.. Anderson et al 2023
Pipit can detect patterns using this Matrix Profile approach and identify the start of .. Movsesyan et al 2023
(translated from Portuguese) We use the Matrix Profile discovered motifs for the identification of build-up in the formation damage in oil wells.. Rossi et al.
the matrix profile-based weather clustering algorithm outperforms the K-means algorithm when assessing four-month weather datasets from .. Yilin Jiang et al 2023.
In this paper, a matrix profile-based algorithm is provided to shed light on the how of the cyclic behavior of wind energy data. Sarajpoor et al 2023
Two different motifs were used for the analysis, one being very fast.. based on MoTrack algorithm.. based on Matrix Profile Gresch et al 2023.
This distance is calculated with the aforementioned MASS algorithm/Matrix Proflie Huwe et all 2022
we propose an innovative approach to address this diagnostic gap by delving deeper into the comprehensive segments of the ECG signal. The proposed methodology draws inspiration from Matrix Profile algorithms. Nguyen et al 2023
an integration of pattern outlier detection through the Matrix Profile with point wise outliers methods. Hussein El Khansa
  for biochemical reaction networks the distance metrics between the reaction sets or multi-sets can be used to define their equivalences, and to also discover the common as well as rare sub-sequence patterns in the Matrix Profile analysis  Pavel Loskot 2024
patterns are thus indicted by peaks of variable magnitude in the resultant matrix profile.The changes in the user behaviour across the multiple features are further post processed to obtain indicators of anomalous activity Ahmed Khan et al 2022
The Matrix Profile (MP) approach is based on computing the distance of a sequence with the most similar subsequence present in the time interactively discover and visualize spatial-time motifs in different domains, offering insight to users. Borges 2023
Its low complexity makes the Matrix Profile based gait anomaly detection system a good candidate for edge deployment.. Gerazov
This work builds on ideas found in Yeh et al. which contains the concept of a time series motif and Kamgar et al. which contains the ideas behind finding consensus motifs Lobo 2023
(we) extends the Arc Curve (AC) segmentation methodology which uses the Matrix Profile.  Leo Noharet 2023
..we aim to present a method for improving gait event detection by comparing it to a pre-defined model stride for similarity using a targeted matrix profile algorithm.  Voisard et al 2023
The resulting event-time series can be evaluated statistically to identify, for example, the reaction clusters, rare reaction events, and the periods of increased or steady-state activity. The matrix profile can be also used to identify the time instances where the distance-based sequence statistics have changed. Pavel Loskot 2023
the (Matrix Profile) Floss model excels at segmenting sequential recordings based on shape and demonstrates impressive performance on the HASC2011 dataset.  Cao et al 2023
(for) capacity expansion modeling.. the key contribution of these matrix profile-related methods is that they scale well to extremely long time series. Anderson et al 2024
(Paper Title) Framework for Variable-lag Motif Following Relation Inference In Time Series using Matrix Profile analysis. Naaek and Amornbunchornvej 2024
(for an industrial IoT problem) Matrix Profiles perform well with almost no parameterisation needed. Anton et al ICDM 2018.
online multidimensional time series anomaly detection method for power systems based on Matrix Profile, which can quickly locate the location of anomalies and determine which subsets of dimensions are causing the greatest impact of anomalies Lui et al 2013
matrix profiling are methods suitable for the automated assessment of the signal quality of acceleration data measured from the skin in the neck and groin using laser Doppler velocimetry. Seoni et al. Front. Physiol (2022) [link]
While there will never be a mathematical silver bullet, we have discovered that the Matrix Profile, a novel algorithm developed by the Keogh research group at UC-Riverside, is a powerful tool. (full post). Andrew Van Benschoten, lead engineer at Target.
We found that all these similarity or randomness measures can be estimated with variants of the highly efficient Matrix Profile (MP) algorithm. Wang et a; Information Technology.
If anybody has ever asked you to analyze time series data and to look for new insights then (the Matrix Profile) is definitely the open source tool that you'll want to add to your arsenal Sean Law, Ameritrade. NABD 2019.
The MatrixProfile technique  is the state-of-the-art anomaly detection technique for continuous time series.  Bart Goethals et. al. (ECML-PKDD 2019).
Matrix Profile is the state-of-the-art similarity-based outlier detection methodChristian Jensen et. al. IJCAI-19
discord mining has been shown to be effective at various practical anomalous subsequence mining tasks, and can be identified through the matrix profile.. uncertainty-aware non-invasive patient ventilator asynchrony detection  Wang et al 2024