Project |
Description |
eBlocks Required |
Schematic |
Garage Door Open at Night |
Alerts the homeowner if the garage door is open at night. |
- magnetic contact switch
- light sensor
- 2-input logic block
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- green/red led
Cafeteria Food Alert |
A food service line worker can indicate to the kitchen
when a particular item needs replenishing. |
- button
- led
- 2-input logic block
- toggle
- splitter
Disabled Student Teacher Caller |
Alerts the teacher if a student needs help. |
- button
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- led
Object Locator |
The object we are looking for (remote
control/keys/etc) is equipped with a beeper. We have
a main controller where we press a button causing the missing
object to emit a beeping noise. |
- button
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- beeper
Ignition Illuminator |
Turns on a light pointed towards the ignition to make
inserting the keys into the ignition at night easier. |
- magnetic contact switch
- light sensor
- prolonger
- 2-input logic
- led
Mail Notifier |
Indicates to the homeowner when the mail has arrived. |
- light-beam switch
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- green/red led
Night Lamp Controller |
Turns lights on at dusk and keeps them on until a
predetermined user defined time. |
- clock timer
- electric relay
Front desk notifier |
A company may want its receptionist to be free to move
about the office. When someone enters the lobby the
receptionist is alerted with a portable device that
blinks an LED or emits a soft beeping sound as not to
disturb others working in the building. |
- button
- prolonger
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- beeper
Entry Gate Detector |
Indicates if there is a car waiting at an entry gate. |
- motion sensor
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- beeper
Parking Assistance |
Aids the user in parking by alerting a driver when they
have pulled into the garage far enough to close the
garage door or to a user defined point in the garage. |
- light-beam switch
- inverter
- red/green led
Cabinet Lockup |
We have liquor/chemicals/etc in a cabinet and want to
restrict access to them. We build a system that requires
a correct code to be entered before opening a cabinet. |
- 10-key entry
- electric lock
Podium Timer |
We have a series of timed speeches and want to display
the remaining talk-time and a timeout red light on a
conference podium.
(Number podium timer design also available) |
- button
- prolonger
- led/grled
- splitter (optional)
- inverter (optional)
- 2-input logic (optional)
Mail Box Open at Night Alert |
If the mail box is open and it is dark at night, sound
an alert inside the house to alert the homeowner. |
- contact switch
- light sensor
- 2-input logic block
- wireless transmitter
- wireless receiver
- beeper
Copy Machine Available |
Detect if the shared copy machine is being used. If the
copy machine is available, turn a green light on in the
hallway (or room somewhere). If the copy machine is
being used then turn the light red. |
- motion sensor
- prolonger
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- inverter
- green/red led
Water Alert |
Indicate if the washer is leaking or if a pipe broke in
the basement while the homeowner is away. |
- water sensor
- internet status or telephone status
Visual Door Bell |
We don't want to wake a sleeping baby so we implement a
visual door bell. |
- button
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- prolonger
- led
Dark Room In Use |
We want to alert others that the dark room is in use so
we use a light which turns red when the dark room is in
use and the light turns green when the room is not used. |
- yes/no switch
- red/green led
Laundry Alert |
Build a system that alerts the user when the laundry is
ready. |
- sound sensor
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- beeper
Gardener Access |
The gate to the backyard is locked. We want to build a
system which allows the gardner to have access to the
backyard without providing them with another key. |
- 10-key entry
- electric lock
Doorbell Extender |
We want to build a system in which we can hear the
doorbell even if we are working in the backyard or at a
neighbor's house. |
- sound sensor
- motion sensor (optional)
- 2-input logic (optional)
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- prolonger
- buzzer
Carpool Alert |
We are part of a carpool. Instead of the driver having
to get out of the car and ring the doorbell or honking, we
want to build a system in which the carpool driver can
alert us that they have arrived. |
- button
- wireless reciever
- wireless transmitter
- 2-input logic
- toggle
- buzzer
Remote Ceiling Fan |
We like to leave the ceiling fan on when we go to sleep
at night but it often becomes too cold. We want to build
a system in which we can turn off the ceiling fan
without having to get out of bed and turn it off in the
middle of the night.
(Number remote ceiling fan design also available)
- button
- toggle
- wireless transmitter
- wireless reciever
- lightswitch
Package Delivery |
Sometimes when a package is delivered when we are not
home it is left on the side or back porch. We want to
build a detector which will indicate if someone has been
on the side or back porch while we were not home.
- button
- motion sensor
- once yes, stays yes
- led