UCR EE/CS120B: Introduction to Embedded Systems

Lab 3: Datapath

I. Introduction

Datapaths are used in microprocessors to perform complex numerical computations or data manipulations.

For this lab, you will construct a datapath by connecting together components that you have constructed using VHDL from previous labs. The components are connected together using VHDL at the structural level. Once you have constructed the datapath, you need to write a testbench to show its correctness and download it to the XS40 board.

II. Implementation

Construct the datapath using a 2-to-1 mux, a 4x8 register file, and an ALU following the schematic below. This is to be done using VHDL at the structural level and instantiating these three components.

Test your design by writing a VHDL testbench and observing the results. 

III. Downloading

Once you have verified the results using Aldec HDL, check out an XS40 board and download your code. Verify the results.