Our Photo Albumn 2001

September 8, 2001
Brother and sister
Hi everyone!
(video 2M - about 13 minutes on a 56K dialup line)
Here is my mouth
Here is my mouth
(video 14M)
What's this dirty spot doing here?
What's this dirty spot doing here?
Pretty lady
Pretty lady at 1-1/2
Jonathan on bike
Look Ma, no hands!
Karen, June 2001
Cousin Karen
Dressed up
Dressed up
Look, isn't Daddy funny?
Look, isn't Daddy funny?
Contemplating the significance of Thanksgiving
Chinese lady
Chinese lady
Downtown Riverside
Downtown Riverside
Are we in China?
Are we in China?
Keeping cool
Keeping cool
Learning to mow the grass
Learning to mow the grass
Oh, I'm hot
Oh, I'm hot

  • More on Enoch here
  • More on Windy here
  • More on Jonathan here
  • More on Michelle here
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