CS/MATH 111, "Discrete Structures"
Winter 2019



Textbook: E. Lehman, T. Leighton and A. Meyer Mathematics for Computer Science.

Prerequisites: CS10, CS/MATH11, MATH 9C (or equivalents). The prerequisites are strictly enforced.

Prerequisites by topic: basic programming, logic (propositional, predicate), sets, operations on sets, sequences, relations (equivalence, partial orderings), functions, combinations, basic counting methods, elementary linear algebra (matrices, determinants), proof methods (induction, contradiction), elementary number theory.

Topics Covered:

Homework Assignments: Five homework assignments. To submit an assignment, you will need to upload the pdf file into iLearn and Gradescope.

Homework assignments can be done individually or in groups of two (strongly recommended). Each group submits the assignment (in pdf) on Gradescope (one per group) and iLearn (individually). Both students will receive the same credit (unless requested otherwise). If a student fails to submit the assignment on iLearn and/or Gradescope, he/she receives a "0".

Homework papers must be prepared with LaTeX. Handwritten assignments or assignments in Word or other word processors will not be accepted. LaTeX templates for homework assignments and other help with LaTeX will be available.

Homework papers must be well written, in grammatical English, self-contained, and aesthetically formatted. During the first week of the quarter you are required to read the homework assignment guidelines, and follow these guidelines throughout the quarter. Sloppy papers will not be graded.

Quizzes: Four 30-minute quizzes . The first "entrance" quiz will cover the prerequisite topics.

Final: Monday, March 18, 07:00PM-9:30PM, HUMN 400 (sec. 1, sec 2). The final is comprehensive.

Attendance: Regular attendance at lectures and discussions is strongly advised. Some of the presented material may not be covered in the book or in posted lecture notes. Students are also strongly encouraged to take advantage of the office hours. In case of a conflict with regular walk-in office hours, special appointments can be arranged. Students that are at risk of failing the class may be required to attend office hours.

Grading: Quizzes 40%, Final 40%, Homeworks 20%. Course grades are expected to be determined as follows: A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%. Minor adjustments of this scale can be made at the end of the quarter.

Academic Integrity: Zero-tolerance policy on plagiarism is enforced. Cheating on homework assignments or tests will result in an F grade for the course and a disciplinary action, independently of the extent of plagiarism. You are required to print, read, and sign the academic integrity statement, and turn it in by the end of Week 1. Without the signed statement, your Quiz 1 will not be considered complete.


Week 1 Monday, January 7
Wednesday, January 9
Friday, January 11

THINGS TO DO during the first week
Review: logic, sets, functions, relations, basic summation formulas, important numbers, sequences, approximations, number theory basics, proofs, proofs by induction
Reading: Chapters 1 - 5, Sections 9.1 - 9.4, 14.1, 14.2.
Recommended exercises: 1.2, 1.5, 1.7, 3.2, 3.8, 3.21, 3.24, 4.1, 4.7, 5.2 - 5.7, 14.2, 14.4, 14.12, 14.15

Asymptotic notation

Reading: Section 14.7
Recommended exercises: 5.2 - 5.7, 14.12, 14.26
Week 2 Monday, January 14
Wednesday, January 16, Quiz 1 (30 minutes)
Friday, January 18
Number theory and cryptography
Reading: Chapter 14
Recommended exercises: class problems
Review: Gcd, Euclid's algorithm
Computing inverses mod p
Fermat's theorems
Computing powers modulo an integer
Reading: Chapter 9
Recommended exercises: 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.10, 9.17, 9.23, 9.24
Week 3 Monday, January 21 Martin Luther King Day -- no class
Homework 1 is due January 23.
Wednesday, January 23
Friday, January 25
Turing's code
The RSA cryptosystem
RSA: correctness, security, efficiency
Famous open (and solved) problems in number theory
Reading: Chapter 9
Recommended exercises: 9.28, 9.31, 9.36, 9.37, 9.50, 9.58, 9.70, 9.79, 9.83
Week 4 Monday, January 28, Quiz 2 (30 minutes)
Wednesday, January 30
Friday, February 1
Linear recurrence equations (homogeneous)
Linear recurrence equations (non-homogeneous)
Reading: Chapter 22
Week 5 Monday, February 4
Homework 2 is due February 5.

Wednesday, February 6
Friday, February 8
Linear recurrence equations (non-homogeneous)
Divide-and-conquer recurrences
Integer partitions
Reading: Chapter 22
Week 6 Monday, February 11 Quiz 3 (30 minutes)
Wednesday, February 13
Friday, February 15
Homework 3 is due February 16.
Euler tours
Reading: Chapter 12.
Week 7 Monday, February 18 President's Day -- no class
Wednesday, February 20
Friday, February 22
Hamiltonian cycles, Dirac's theorem, Ore's theorem
Graph coloring, coloring graphs with maximum degree D
Reading: Chapter 12.
Week 8 Monday, February 25
Homework 4 is due February 25.
Wednesday, February 27 Quiz 4 (30 minutes)

Friday, March 1
Bipartite graphs: matchings, Hall's Theorem.
Reading: Chapter 12.
Week 9 Monday, March 4
Wednesday, March 6
Friday, March 8
Planar graphs: Kuratowski's theorem.
Euler's formula/inequality for planar graphs.
The 4-Color Theorem. Coloring planar graphs with 6 and 5 colors.
Reading: Chapter 13.
Week 10 Monday, March 11
Wednesday, March 13
Homework 5 is due March 14.
Friday, March 15
Adjacency matrices and matrix multiplication
Trees. Binary trees. Applications (lower bound for comparison sorting).
Reading: Section 10.3

  Homework Assignments