
Gurneet Kaur
Graduate Research Assistant
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
University of California, Riverside
Email: gkaur007@cs.ucr.edu
Graduate Researcher with experience in building reliable, scalable, fast and efficient Big data systems with focus on their end-to-end processing. My major area of research is in designing algorithms and building frameworks to handle big data and manage large real world datasets with emphasis on memory management, parallel programming and efficient I/O on a single machine.
Industrial experience of 4 years working with Tata Consultancy Services Ltd as a Software Professional. Worked with their major Banking Clients in United Kingdom.
Graduating with PhD in Computer Science from University of California, Riverside, under the guidance of my PhD advisor Rajiv Gupta.
- [ISMM'18] OMR: Out-of-Core MapReduce for Large Data Sets
Gurneet Kaur, Keval Vora, Sai Charan Koduru, and Rajiv Gupta
International Symposium on Memory Management,
pages 71-83, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 2018.
[ Paper ]
- [NAS'21] GO: Out-of-Core Partitioning of Large Irregular Graphs
Gurneet Kaur and Rajiv Gupta
15th IEEE International Conference On
Networking, Architecture and Storage,
Riverside, California, October 2021.
- Winter 2019 - Fall 2020 (6 Quarters): CS 100: Software Construction
- Fall 2018: CS 100: Software Construction
- Previous Courses
- Winter 2018, Spring 2018: CS 152: Compiler Design
- Fall 2017: CS 008: Introduction to Computing
- Fall 2017: CS 005: Introduction to Computer Programming
- Winter 2017: CS 152: Compiler Design