Rajiv Gupta is a Distinguished Professor and the Amrik Singh Poonian Professor of Computer Science at UC Riverside, where he is a member of the RIPLE
research group. His research interests include
Programming, Compiler, Runtime & Architectural Support for Parallel & Distributed Heterogeneous Systems,
and Software Tools for Monitoring and Managing Runtime Behavior.
He has coauthored 326 papers and a coinventor of 9 US patents.
His h-index is
69, with over
16,300 citations.
Rajiv has supervised PhD dissertations of 40 students, including two winners of the
ACM SIGPLAN Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award in Programming Languages --
(2009) Xiangyu Zhang,
Purdue Univ. and (2001) Rastislav Bodik, Univ. of Washington. Five of his advisees
are recipients of the NSF CAREER Award.
Papers co-authored by Rajiv and his students were selected for: inclusion in
20 Years of PLDI (1979-1999),
SIGSOFT distinguished paper award in ICSE 2003,
best paper award in PACT 2010,
best paper award in HiPC 2020,
best student paper award in LCPC 2015,
the most original paper award in ICPP 2003, and
outstanding paper award in ICECCS 1996.
He received the UCR Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentor Award (2012).
Rajiv is a Fellow of the ACM (2009), the IEEE (2008), and the AAAS (2011). He is a recipient of the NSF's Presidential Young Investigator Award (1991).
Rajiv served on the Technical Advisory Group on Networking and Information Technology created by the US President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) during its review of the Federal
NITRD Program (2006-2007).
He served as the Conference Chair for
FCRC 2015;
General Chair for PPoPP'20, ASPLOS'11 and
PLDI'08 conferences;
and Co-General Chair for ASPLOS'24, PACT'24, and CGO'05 conferences.
He also served as the Program Chair for PLDI'03,
HPCA'03, LCTES'05, and
CC'10 conferences;
Program Co-Chair for CC'21 and HiPEAC'08 conferences; and
Program Vice-Chair for the HiPC'03 conference.
Rajiv has served on program committees of major conferences in PL/Compilers & Computer Architecture including PLDI, POPL, PPoPP, OOPSLA, CGO, ISCA, ASPLOS, MICRO, HPCA, ICS, ICDCS, PACT & HiPEAC.
He served as an Associate Editor for
and is currently serving on the Journals of
Parallel Computing & Computer Languages editorial boards.