Computer Science 8 - Week 10 Lab


In this week's lab you are going to work through a tutorial from your textbook (Internet Literacy) in order to to create a web page resume using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). You will use Netscape Composer. In order to start Composer, bring up the Mozilla web browser, then hit CTRL-4.

Using Netscape Composer, go through all the steps from tables 18-1 through 18-14 in chapter 18 from Internet Literacy and all the instructions below. After doing this, you will have a web page that looks similar to the web page in the center of page 209.

Detailed Instructions

The following provides some detailed instructions you should follow while creating your web page resume.


Note that table 18-8 shows you how to create a bulleted list. I assume most of you have not given keynote speeches or done some of the other things listed in the author's resume, so you do not need to include them all. At a minimum, your bulleted list should contain the following:


Tables 18-10 through 18-12 show you how to create anchor bookmarks. For each item listed in your bulleted list above, you should include a corresponding section on your web page. Unlike the example on page 209, all the sections can be included on a single web page instead of creating separate pages for some of the sections. Each item in the bulleted list should link to the appropriate section, and at the end of each section there should be a link back to the bulleted list.


In the Educational Qualifications section, indicate what your major is, your expected graduation date, etc. Also include a list of several of the important classes you have taken. Of course you should include Computer Science 8 in that list, and since there is a web page for that class, you should make "Computer Science 8" a hyperlink to


In the Positions I Have Held section, provide an ordered list of the jobs you have held for the last few years. If you have not had any jobs, make some up. For each job, you should list the name of the company, your job title, and your start/end dates. Include at least three jobs, listing the most recent job first.


The Honors section should contain a list of any honors and awards you have received. Once again, feel free to make some stuff up here.


Finally, the How to Contact Me section should contain a number of ways to contact you. See the web page on the lower right of page 209 for an example of the information to include. If you don't feel very comfortable providing your phone number or address, use dummy values. Note that you should use a mailto link for the e-mail address as described in Table 18-14.


You should also include an image at the top of your resume. How to do this is described in table 19-5 in Chapter 19. You can use any image you want. If you have trouble finding an image you like, use the UC logo at