CS150 HW4 Set May 9, Thursday Due May 24, Friday, at 5pm Total: 70 pts Q1 [10 pts] Construct a CFG for the set of all ternary strings of the form 0^i 1^j 2^k, where k = i + j. Q2 [10 pts] P. 193 (or P. 191 in 2nd ed) Ex.5.2.1. That is: For the grammar and each of the strings in Ex. 5.1.2, give parse trees. Q3 [20 pts] P. 216 (or P. 215 in 2nd ed) Ex.5.4.7. The following grammar generates ... Hint: For part b, show that the leftmost derivation is unique for any given input string, similar to the example given in the lecture notes (after slide 169 or page 177). Q4 [10 pts] PP. 233-4 (or P. 228 in 2nd ed) Ex.6.1.1: b), c) Q5 [20 pts] P. 241 (or P. 236 in 2nd ed) Ex.6.2.1: b), c) For each PDA, please show the transition diagram instead of a list of transitions.