Joseph Tarango |
Lab Project: Design and Implement a GameYou have to design and implement a game on the ATmega32 microprocessor.You've worked with 2 inputs (keypad, buttons) and 3 outputs (LEDs, LCD, speaker).You've worked with timers. You're more than welcome to pick up other input/output components from a Radioshack or Electronics Warehouse. You will spend the next labs working on this project. Your grade will be based on the complexity (hardware AND software) and creativity of the game implementation. We will spend the lab showing off your games. Will there be reporters and celebrities? I like to think so. Example Games Ascii Fighter Yin Man POST LABINDIVIDUALLY prepare a single-spaced halfpage report with the following information.I. Lab Objective II. Personal Contributions III. Skill learned & knowledge gained GAME REPORTAs a GROUP prepare a single-spaced page report with the following information.I. Game Description II. Game Rules III. Hardware Setup IV. Block Diagram V. High Level State Machines VI. Labor Breakdown TurninINDIVIDUALLY prepare and submit all lab files into a tar ball. All .c files should be included in lab parts, as well as post lab submitted in pdf and txt format. All files should include a header with name, login, email, lab section, assignment, and group associates; also include: "I acknowledge all content is original."For Example Name: John Doe Login: jdoe Email: Lab Section: 021 Assignment: Game Project Group: John Doe, Jane Doe, and Joe Doe I acknowledge all content is original. Tar ball command: tar -cvzf name.tgz *.c *.pdf *.txt The tar command will compress all files into a .tgz file with all .c .pdf, and .txt files in that directory. Do not include unnecessary files! The .c files be named as follows avrmega32microcontroller#.c, the postlab#.pdf/postlab#.txt, and gamereport#.pdf/gamereport#.txt. For Example: avrmega32microcontroller1.c avrmega32microcontroller2.c postlab.pdf postlab.txt gamereport.pdf gamereport.txt |