Joseph Tarango
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bourns College of Engineering
University of California, Riverside

CS120B | Syllabus
Lab 1 | Lab 2 | Lab 3 | Lab 4 | Lab 5 | Lab 6 | Lab 7 | Game Project

Lab 1: Intro to AVR Studio Software.

Welcome to the world of embedded systems.  Today you will get an introduction to the AVR Studio software.  We will be implementing some simple embedded systems to get you used to the tools.  To open AVR Studio on a lab machine, first login and open a terminal.  Type "vmware" to start a windows virtual machine.  AVR Studio should be on the desktop of the virtual machine windows operating system.


YOU MUST shutdown VMWare by going to start->shutdown in the start menu.  Simply pressing the x in the top right corner of the window will not exit the process, and lock other users from starting a virtual machine on the desktop.

Objective: Learn how to use the AVR Development Tool
Getting familiar with AVR Studio
  • Open up AVR Studio from the Start Menu
  • Create a new project by pressing the (you guessed it) the "New Project" Button

  • Call your project whatever you want (We called it Lab 1 here),and make sure AVR GCC is checked on the left.
  • Check the initial file and folders check boxes, and call your first file "Lab1.c". Click Next

  • Select the AVR Simulator as the Debug Platform
  • Select the ATmega32 as the Device

  • You are ready to start writing some code for your project. But first, we want to change some of the compiler options
  • Select from the Project Menu the menu choice Coniguration Options. In the General tab, change the optimizations to -Os (optimize for size). Also click, Unsigned Chars and Short Enums. The rest of the options can be left unchanged. These options will drive GCC (the compiler) once we have written code. Click OK.

  • Copy and paste the code below into your Lab1.c file. All this code does is pass the value of the input on PINC to the output on PORTA.
  • From the Build Menu, select Build. Assuming no errors, there should be a green light at the bottom saying the application compiled successfully. You might deliberately breaking the program to see how AVR Studio handles errors. Since AVR Studio is built on GCC, the error messages should be familiar to you (unless you are like me and never have errors in your program).

#include <avr/io.h>


/*These are macros used to set, clear, or get a single bit from an 8-bit variable.*/

//For example SET_BIT(temp,3); sets temp = 0x08.

#define SET_BIT(p,i) ((p) |= (1 << (i)))

#define CLR_BIT(p,i) ((p) &= ~(1 << (i)))

#define GET_BIT(p,i) ((p) & (1 << (i)))


int main(void){

      DDRA = 0xFF; //Set all pins of port A to output

      DDRC = 0x00; //Set all pins of pins C to input

       while(1) {

            PORTA = PINC;


      return 0;


  • Before running software on an actual chip, we are going to stress the importance of using the debugger and simulator in this course. The AVR Studio supplies a state of the art simulator that allows the designer to monitor pretty much every internal register on the AVR chips, allowing very quick and easy verification of arbitrarily complex software.
  • The fact that the debuggerand simulator are built into the AVR Studio IDE makes the simulation process painless. To test the simulator, select from the Debug menu Start Debugging. The screen will look like the one below, with all the registers, ports, timers, etc. on the right, the disassembler window, the watch window, etc. The standard Step Into (F11), Step Over (F10), etc. commands are located just below the top menu, and we can see the program counter off to the left.
  • You must first start the debugger by opening the debug menu, and clicking "Start Debugging".  Then click "Run" to begin program execution.  Click" Break" to pause simulation on the current line of code; you can then use "Step" to execute a single line of code.  Test the pass through application by expanding the PORTA and PORTC registers off to the right, and then clicking on some of the bits in the PINC portion of PORTC. You will notice that once the assignment in the C code happens, the value of the input will be reflected on the output.
  • The debugger will become one of your best friends for some of the more advanced labs, so learn to use it =).


You will create a simple application that sounds an alarm if a garage door is open at night.

  • There is a door sensor attached to PINC, pin 0, and a light sensor attached to PORTC, pin 1. The door sensor is driven high (a logical value of '1') if the door is open, the light sensor is driven high if it is day.
  • The alarm is connected to PORTA, pin 0.  The alarm is sounded when it is driven high.
  • Implement your design using AVR Studio, and use the AVR Debugger/Simulator to verify the correctness of your design
  • Once you are sure your design is working properly,  compile and have a TA verify correctness before continuing.


You will write a program to check whether or not an eight bit value is of even or odd parity.

  • You might recall that odd parity means that a value has an odd number of '1's in its binary representation. Even parity is exactly the opposite.
  • The input to your program will be in the entire PortC input. You will output a '1' to Port A, pin 0 if Port C has odd parity, and output a '1' to Port A, pin 1 if Port C has even parity.
  • Implement your design using AVR Studio, and use the AVR Debugger/Simulator to verify the correctness of your design
  • Once you are sure your design is working properly,  compile it and have a TA verify correctness before continuing.


You will write a program that simulates some rudimentary car functions (somewhat contrived and overly simplified, but you'll get over it)

  • The input to the program are:
    • Driver Seatbelt On -- (PINC, PIN 0)
    • Passenger Seatbelt On -- (PINC, PIN 1)
    • Driver Weight -- (PINC, PIN 2)
    • Passenger Weight -- (PINC, PIN 3)
    • Back Right Weight -- (PINC, PIN 4)
    • Back Left Weight -- (PINC, PIN 5)
    • Key Ignition -- (PINC, PIN 6)
    • Doors Locked -- (PINC, PIN 7)
  • The outputs to your application are:
    • Seatbelt Beeper -- (PORTA, PIN 0)
    • Airbag Enable -- (PORTA, PIN 1)
    • Passenger Still in Car Alarm -- (PORTA, PIN 2)
  • Your car sensor application will respond to several different events, including:
    • Output a beep if someone is sitting in the driver or passenger seat if the key is in the ignition and one of the seatbelts isn't being worn
    • Enable an airbag on the passenger seat only if there is someone sitting there and the seatbelt is connected
    • When the car is locked and there is someone still in the car, sound an alarm
  • Implement your design using AVR Studio, and use the AVR Debugger/Simulator to verify the correctness of your design
  • Once you are sure your design is working properly,  compile it and have a TA verify correctness.


INDIVIDUALLY prepare a single-spaced half page report with the following information.

I.     Lab Objective
II.   Personal Contributions
III. Skill learned & knowledge gained.


INDIVIDUALLY prepare and submit all lab files into a tar ball. All .c files should be included in lab parts, as well as post lab submitted in pdf and txt format. All files should include a header with name, login, email, lab section, assignment, and group associates; also include: "I acknowledge all content is original."

For Example
Name: John Doe
Login: jdoe
Lab Section: 021
Assignment: Lab 1 Part 1
Group: John Doe, Jane Doe, and Joe Doe
I acknowledge all content is original.

Tar ball command: tar -cvzf name.tgz *.c *.pdf *.txt

The tar command will compress all files into a .tgz file with all .c .pdf, and .txt files in that directory. Do not include unnecessary files! The .c files be named as follows lab#_part#.c and the postlab#.pdf/postlab#.txt.

For Example: