Version 1.0
Why do we want to classify problems?
The main reason: we want to be able to show that a problem is "difficult"
a polynomial algorithm is highly unlikely to exist. This way we can
stop trying
to find such a solution.
A minor reason, scientists love classifying things.
Polynomial complexity
A problem has a polynomial algorithm means that it can be solved in
polynomial time
with respect to the size of its input. For example, a weighted
connected graph is of size O(E) in pairs
of edges representation: we need a file of E lines: v_1
v_2 weight
Note, here we consider that representing an integer takes constant
number of bits.
We will say that a "problem can be solved in polynomial time" if there
exists a polynomial algorithm
for that problem.
A term of endearment for these problems is "easy".
For example, Maximum Flow is a polynomial problem.
The goal of this area of research revolves around the concept of polynomial complexity.
A difficult problem: is a problem that most likely does not have a polynomial
The Steiner tree problem is such a problem.
Polynomial Reduction (intuitively)
A problem A can be polynomially reduced to problem B if and only
any instance of problem A, I_A can be transformed to an
instance of problem B, I_B, in polynomial time,
and a solution of problem B can be transformed to a solution of problem
A in polynomial time.
We denote: if A to reduces to problem B, we can denote: A <=
Intuitively, we can say that B is more difficult problem than A, but
it is slightly wrong.
The accurate expression is that B is at least as difficult as A.
Important observation: if B can be solved in polynomial time, then A
can also be solved in polynomially time.
The complexity of A is bounded above by:
O(transformation I_A -> I_B) + O(B) + O(transformation
of the solution S_B -> S_A)
Intuitive definitions, P and NPC
Class P: contains all the easy problems (can be solved in polynomial
Class NP-Complete (NPC): contains all the difficult problems (require
exponential time from
all known algorithms).
General properties/facts of NPC problems
1. If an NPC problem has a polynomial algorithm, then all NPC problems
have a polynomial algorithm.
2. It is highly unlikely that an NPC problem can be solved by a polynomial
3. If you can solve an NPC problem polynomially, you will become instantly
How do we deal with a problem
(in progress)
Versions of Problems
We have three version of problems. We consider problems where we have
one "cost" that we want to minimize.
Optimization: Given a problem instance, find the minimum cost solution.
Evaluation: Given a problem instance, find the cost of the min-cost
Recognition: Given a problem instance and an integer L, is there a
solution with
cost no grater than L?
Note that the third version requires only a "yes-no" answer.
This makes the discussion
easier, and we will focus on Recognition problems. Depending on assumptions
about the
cost function, it can be shown that the three problem formulations
are equivalent.
The NP Class of problems
Intuitively, this is the class of problems
that given a problem instance and guess for a solution, we can verify
in polynomial time, whether the guess is a correct
A. Polynomial verification of a solution
For a recognition problem, if we are given a guess
of a solution we want to verify if this solution can help
us answer the problem. If we can "doublecheck" that the
guess is a solution in polynomial time,
we say that we can verify the solution in polynomial time.
Example, is there a Steiner tree of cost less
than L?
If we guess a tree, we can verify polynomially
if the tree is spanning the nodes we want, and if its
cost is less or equal to L.
Note that if the tree is of cost higher than
L, then we can reject is as a solution, but we can not say "no"
to the problem: there may exist some other
tree with cost <= L.
B. Non Deterministic Algorithms
Imagine an algorithm for a recognition
problem, which for a given instance and value L, it somehow comes
up with a guess and then checks to see
it the guess leads to a yes answer, i.e. if with the guess is really a
of cost less than L.
Therefore the algorithm can be decomposed
in two parts: guessing and verifying.
Let us call all the problem instances
for which the answer is yes, yes-instance (there exists
a tree of cost less than L in
a Steiner problem).
Assume that we are really
good at guessing: if the problem is a yes-instance , we will find it with
first try. Let us
call this algorithm Lucky Non-deterministic algorithm. This way,
if we are given
a yes-instance, we can solve
the problem in polynomial time:
guessing + poly. verification.
However, if the problem
is not a yes-instance, (there is no tree with cost less than L), our approach
does not have a way to prove
that there is no such solution. We can think of solutions that we will
to verify and they will
turn out to be of higher cost than L.
C. The NP class
A problem belongs in the Non-determinsitic
Polynomial (NP) class, if a yes-solution of the problem
can be verified in polynomial time.
Now we can make some more rigorous definitions.
Definition of NPC
A problem P is a NP-Complete
problem if and only if:
a. P is an NP problem
b. Every NP problem A can
be reduced to problem P.
Note that it is impossible to show that every problem in NP can be
transformed to P,
by doing all the reductions. Instead, to prove that a problem
is NPC, we only need to prove
the following equivalent statements:
a. P is an NP problem.
b. A known NPC problem,
can be reduced to problem P.
How does this work? Given an NPC problem, A, we know that all NP problems,
Z_i, reduce to it:
Z_i <= A.
If we can prove that A reduces to P:
A <= P
Then, we have proven that all NP problems can reduce to P:
Z_i <= P