CS 175: Entrepreneurship in Computing

Instructor M. Faloutsos

The course counts as a tech elective for both undergraduates and graduate students.

Email: michalis@cs.ucr.edu
Skype: mfaloutsos
Lecture hours online:
Tue 8:00-9:30 AM NOTE it is morning!
Thu 8:00-9:30 AM

Zoom: https://ucr.zoom.us/j/516662778 Meeting ID: 516 662 778
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
However: check iLearn announcements for updates

We will also be using campuswire to facilitate communications:
https://campuswire.com/p/G8A3172AD with code 4558

Office hours also online:
Tue 9:30-10:00am.
Thu 9:30-10:00am.
Fri 1:00-3:00pm
Send me an email when you plan to connect for office hours to guarantee a meeting and avoid overlaps.

Course information and handouts

Start here: Master one-page overview of Topics (syllabus): (pdf)
The official course description for your records: (pdf)
Introduction to the class (pptx) or (pdf)
  1. Starting a business (pdf)
    Advice and pointers (ppt)
  2. Customer discovery - Go to market strategy (pdf)
  3. Execution plan (pdf)
    Annual Operation Plan (pdf)
  4. Raising funding (pdf)
  5. The investor pitch (pdf)
  6. Networking (pdf)
  7. Legal issues (pdf)
  8. Intelectual property (IP) and patents (pdf)
  9. Human Resources: hiring and managing people (pdf)
  10. Financials: planning and projections (pdf)
Two Text books:
A. One from:
Kaw2: Kawasaki, G., The art of the start, v 2.0. Portfolio Inc. (get the newer one if possible) OR
Kaw: Kawasaki, G., The art of the start, Portfolio Inc.
B. Barr: Barringer, B. R., Preparing effective business plans: An entrepreneurial approach Pearson/ Prentice Hall, 2009