Tu-Thur 9:40-11:00, Watkins 1117
Overview of Internet development history and fundamental principles
underlying TCP/IP protocol design. Discussion of current research
topics, including multicast routing protocols, transport
protocols (e.g., real-time, transport protocol, RTP, and SRM), support
for integrated services, mobile and ad-hoc networks.
The focus of the class will be on routing, QoS arcihtectures,
measurements and implementation issues.
Purpose of the class
The class will expose students to the state of the art of the
Internet research, and given them the opportunity to work on
something practical and original through their projects. It will
prepare students for research in the Networks area or give them
the competitive edge for a position in the networks industry.
The evaluation will depend on projects that the students will
and presentations of papers and/or the results of their projects.
60% Project
30% Assignment, presentation
10% Class Participation
Proposed reading material:
1. Computer Networking:
A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet
by James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross
(reference texbook)
It can be found on-line at:
2. Manuals for measurement tools and simulators
3. List of papers provided by the instructor
4. UNIX Network Programming : Networking APIs : Sockets and XTI,
Volume 1, Second Edition; Stevens, W. Richard Prentice
WARNING: The projects are supposed to be hands-on
practical tasks. Projects
and assignments will require use of programming tools such as (awk,
shell scripts,
and C or C++). The perl programming language may also be used.
A flvor of the types of papers that we will study:
From SIGCOMM'99 (practically most papers are of interest from there):
Network Topology and Path Characterization
Using pathchar to Estimate Internet Link Characteristics,
Allen B. Downey, Colby College.
On Power-Law Relationships of the Internet
Topology, Michalis Faloutsos, University of California
at Riverside; Petros Faloutsos, University of Toronto;
and Christos Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon University.
On Estimating End-to-End Network Path Properties,
Mark Allman, NASA Glenn Research Center; and Vern
Paxson, ACIRI/ICSI and Lawrence Berkeley National
Network Analysis
An Analysis of BGP Convergence Properties, Timothy
G. Griffin and Gordon Wilfong, Bell Labs.
The End-to-End Effects of Internet Path Selection,
Stefan Savage, Andy Collins, Eric Hoffman, John Snell,
and Tom Anderson, University of Washington.
Dynamics of IP Traffic: A Study of the Role of
Variability and the Impact of Control, Anja Feldmann,
Anna C. Gilbert, AT&T Labs-Research; Polly Huang,
USC/ISI; and Walter Willinger, AT&T LabsResearch.
Routing with a Clue, Anat Bremler-Barr, Yehuda Afek,
and Sariel Har-Peled, Tel-Aviv University.
Load-Sensitive Routing of Long-Lived IP Flows,
Anees Shaikh, University of Michigan; Jennifer
Rexford, AT&T Labs-Research; and Kang G. Shin,
University of Michigan.
A Simple Approximation to Minimum-Delay Routing,
Srinivas Vutukury and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves,
University of California at Santa Cruz.