CS237: Advanced Modeling and Simulations.

 This class will focus on methods of performance
analysis: Modeling, Simulations, Measurements. There will be
a bias towards communications systems, but database, and
computer hardware system may be briefly discussed. The goal of the class
is to pull together knowledge from various disciplines and previous courses
and  provide students with a good understanding of how to design, implement,
and present system analysis.

Topics will include:
  * statistical tools for the presentation of results
  * design and implementation of simulators
  * designing experiments
  * measuring real systems

  The student evaluation will be based on 1-2 homeworks (20%),
a presentation (20%), and a large project (60%).
Textbook: Raj Jain, The art of computer systems performance analysis

Assignment 1 - Part 1. Due on: Tu 25 April in class
Assignment 1 - Part 2. As2.ps, As2.pdf. Due on: Tu 16 May in class.
NEW: Using the following data-sets test your scripts.
Q.2 testMean1.dat,
Q.2 testMean2.dat,
Q.3 sampleSize1.dat, accuracy should be 10%
Q.5 linear.dat,
Q.6 exponential.dat.
My apologies for not providing this earlier.
Assignment 1 - Part 3. Due on: 23 May in class
Project. Some information.


    The intended material and a losose correspondence with the

- Introduction
    Ch.:  1,2,3

- Probability Theory and Statistics
    Ch.: 12, 14, ~15

- Queueing Models
    Ch.: 30, 31, 32, 33, ~34, 35
     Some additional sources (lecture notes, handouts)

- Simulation
    Ch.: 24, 25, ~26, ~28, ~29

- Measurements
    Ch.: 4,5,6, ~7, 8, 9

- Data Presentation
   Ch.: ~10, 11

- Experimental Design (if there is time)
    Ch.: 16, 17, 19

Here is my awk file as a shell script for finding averages and confidence intervals: awk-filter
USAGE: nzavg.awk column-no datafile
Here is a script for changing a string in a files and outputing the new file
Usage : sub oldPattern newPattern files