Problem definition: Given a weighted undirected graph G(V,E), and a set S subset of V find the Minimum-Cost tree that spans the nodes in S. This problem is known in the literature as the Steiner tree problem. Let M the number of nodes in S, which we will call participants.
The problem is NP-complete, which means that there is no known *polynomial*
algorithm that will find the exact solution of the problem. However, there
are algorithms that solve the Steiner problem in exponential time (O(2^N)
or O(2^M)).
Another algorithm is base on dynamic programming; the idea is to combine
optimal solutions of smaller sub-problems in such a way that the combined
solution is optimal for the bigger problem.
We define CR or competitive ratio of the algorithm, i.e., how good the
approximation is in the worst case. to be the maximum Talg / Topt,
where Talg is the cost tree of the algorithm, and Topt is the cost
of the optimal solution over all problem instances.
The Naive or Shortest Paths algorithm.
Find the Shortest path tree from one participant node to the rest of
the graph.
Prune the parts of the tree that do not lead to a participant.
Complexity O(N^2), CR = O(M).
The Greedy or Nearest Participant First algorithm. (Takahashi,
Matsuyama 1980)
Start from a participant.
Find the participant that is closest to the current tree.
Join the closest participant to the closest part of the tree.
Repeat until you have connected all nodes.
Complexity O(M N^2), CR = O(1), actually CR <= 2.
The Kou, Markowsky and Berman algorithm (KMB 1981).
1. Find the complete distance graph G'
(G' has V' = S , and for each
pair of nodes (u,v) in VxV there is an edge with
weight equal to the weight of the min-cost path between these nodes
p_(u,v) in G)
2. Find a minimum spanning tree T' in G'
3. Translate tree T' to the graph G: substitute every
edge of T', which is an edge of G'
with the corresponding path of G. Let us call T the result of the translation.
4. Remove any possible cycles from T.
Complexity O(M N^2), CR = O(1), actually CR <= 2.
CR_naive <= M-1
Proof: Let d_max be the maximum distance between any two participants.
The optimal tree Topt will be at least as large i.e.
Topt => d_max
The Naive tree Tnaive will never be more expensive than:
Tnaive <= (M-1) d_max
This is easy to prove. Select a root among the participants
and find all
the shortest paths p_i between the root and every other of the i= 1,...M-1
The cost of of the path of each path p_i is less than d_max,
and the total cost of
the Tnaive is the union of these paths, which proves (2).
Now, we write (1) as:
1/ Topt <= 1/d-max
If we multiply (2) and (3), we get:
Tnaive / Topt <= M-1
Lemma 2.
There exists a graph G(V,E) and a set of participants S, M=|S|,
such that the ratio of the Naive for the Steiner problem is:
Tnaive /Topt = M-1
Proof. I only need to show one instance of the Steiner problem
that this
happens. Assume a graph that has a node v_o that connects to
every other
node in the graph v_1 to v_(M-1), and the cost of the edge:
w(v_o, v_i) = c
Assume that every node v_1, v_2, .......v_(M-1) connects
with the previous and the next in this order and v_1 connects with
The cost of these edges is r, and is infinisimal (really small or r
-> 0).
Assume that all nodes are participants.
A possible execution of Naive is to pick v_o as root and connect
every other
node with the direct edge of cost c.
= (M-1) * c
The optimal tree connects v_o and v_1 and then everybody
else with
edges of cost r.
Topt = c + (M-2) * r
Topt = c, for r -> 0
Using (1) and (2):
Tnaive /Topt = M-1