Presentation list for 260
It is advisable to read 2-3 papers that will also help
you do the report at the end.
Presentations should be 30' - 50', providing a good introduciton
and definition
of the problem/issue so that all the class can follow.
Towards the end some more
specific and detailed issues can be mentioned.
Also interested students can do small projects (see at
the end).
Near each subject some names and pointers are provided. More details can
be given
from the instructor.
From the on-line book:
Applications 2.2 - 2.6
http, email, DNS, socket programming
Transportation 3.3 - 3.7 Congestion control, TCP, UDP
Multimedia Networking
6.1 - 6.5 Streaming, RTP
6.6 - 6.9 Scheduling, Int-serv, Diff-serv, RSVP
Internet Multicast Protocols: CBT, PIM, QoSMIC
The Steiner problem in graphs: Waxman, Imase, KMB, greedy
algorithms, online
Unicast and multicast in mobile networks: Johnsons (CMU),
Perkins, Polyzos (UCSD)
Traffic characterization: the traffic on one link, Paxson,
survey of tools
Path characterization: stability, packet loss, Paxson
Modeling the topology of the Internet: Zegura (GTECH), Doar,
People with ideas are encouraged to contact the instructor.
The projects will have a pre-agreed target/termination.
In addition, the evolution of the work can be flexible (with the instructor?s
Measurements on the Internet using tools (traceroute, pathchar,
mtrace, ping).
Visualization of large graphs (4,000 to 130,000 nodes). There
are a lot of existing tools and even a good search and report on them would
be acceptable.
Web-crawler to identify the web-page connectivity of a small
domain (say within