PhD Student
Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, Riverside

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CS 234

Computational Methods for the Analysis of the Biomolecular Data

CS 234 : Project Page

Research Interest

  My research interest is broadly in Data mining.
  • Data representation and visualization
  • Similarity Measures
  • Probabilistic Modeling
  • Clustering


Progress Report

Jan 19: I decided to implement a clustering algorithm for short gene expression data. The method searches over all possible clusters by comparing their posterior probabilities given the data. Initially I want to implement it in MATLAB. I am also afraid if I can finish it in time as it is a large computation.

Feb 10: I have implemented the function for computing the posterior probability density function of a polynomial regression model given the short gene expression data. My plan is to use this posterior probability to search over all possible clustering model.

March 6: I fininshed implementing the algorithm. I am very confused with the output and even with the input. :( Clusters are coming out with heavy noise. I think my code is correct as per my understanding of the algorithm. Now I will try some fine tuning with the parameters and trace the problem.