Mengyi Xu

Mengyi Xu

Welcome to my personal page! I am a Bachelor student in Computer Science at University of California, Riverside (UCR). I graduated at June 2016 and am looking for a full-time software engineering position to utilize my skills and background of Computer Science field.

During my time at UCR, my interested fields are Computational Biology and Software Engineering. As well as being a full-time student, I'm also a undergraduate research assistant at UCR Algorithms and Computational Biology Lab. And my supervisor is Dr. Marek Chrobak, who gives much support to me and teachs me lot of things. I am looking forward to learn more and deeper specialized knowledge of Computer Science.

I was born and raised in a beautiful city of Jiangxi, which is a southeastern province of China. After I graduated from High School, I come to University of California, Riverside for undergraduate study. I study Computer Science because I enjoy the process of consideration and creation. Except my undergraduate academic study and work, I love sports such as basketball, snowborading, and swimming.

Tel: +1 (202) 230-8518

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