Design and Analysis of Algorithms Neal Young

Computer Science 45

Due: Monday, May 26, 1997

Problem Set 5

  1. Recall the Chernoff bound we proved in class: the probability that any sum of independent random variables in [0,1] exceeds its expected value tex2html_wrap_inline66 by more than a factor of tex2html_wrap_inline68 is less than tex2html_wrap_inline70 , where


    Let tex2html_wrap_inline74 so that tex2html_wrap_inline76 .

    Using whatever means you like (a calculator, Mathematica, Maple, or calculus (e.g. Taylor series)), try to understand and describe the function tex2html_wrap_inline78 as best you can. In particular, try to get a reasonable approximation for tex2html_wrap_inline78 (say, within constant factors) in terms of tex2html_wrap_inline82 and tex2html_wrap_inline84 .

    It may help to consider the ranges tex2html_wrap_inline86 and tex2html_wrap_inline88 separately.

    Proofs of the quality of your approximation would be nice but are not required.

  2. Consider the following problem:

    The input is a bipartite graph G=(V,W,E) and a number tex2html_wrap_inline92 . The vertices in V are ordered tex2html_wrap_inline96 , and each odd vertex forms a couple with the next vertex. That is, tex2html_wrap_inline98 and tex2html_wrap_inline100 form a couple, tex2html_wrap_inline102 and tex2html_wrap_inline104 form a couple, and so on.

    The goal is to choose one vertex from each couple (n vertices in total), in such a way that no vertex in W has more than tex2html_wrap_inline92 of its neighbors chosen. (This may or may not be possible for any given input.)

    No polynomial-time algorithm is known for this problem.

    You are to develop and analyze a randomized polynomial-time algorithm for finding an approximate solution.

    To start, consider the relaxed problem. The input is the same, but the goal is to assign non-negative weights to the vertices of V so that, for each couple, the sum of the weights on the two vertices is 1, while the total weight on edges incident to any vertex in W is at most tex2html_wrap_inline92 .

    1. Show how this relaxed version can be formulated as a linear program.
    2. Suppose that the relaxed problem has a solution p.

      Consider the following random experiment. For each couple v,v', choose one of the two vertices at random: choose v with probability p(v) and choose v' with probability p(v') = 1-p(v).

      Argue that for any vertex in W, the expected number of chosen neighbors is at most tex2html_wrap_inline92 .

    3. Figure out the smallest tex2html_wrap_inline136 you can so that (using the Chernoff bound) the probability that any given vertex in W has more than tex2html_wrap_inline140 chosen neighbors is less than 1/2|W|. The value for tex2html_wrap_inline82 will depend on tex2html_wrap_inline92 .
    4. Argue that the expected number of vertices in W with more than tex2html_wrap_inline140 chosen neighbors is at most 1/2. Why does this mean that with probability at least 1/2, all vertices in W will have at most tex2html_wrap_inline140 neighbors chosen?
    5. Combine the above arguments to argue that there is a randomized algorithm for the original problem that runs in expected polynomial time and, if a solution exists, finds an approximate solution in that the number of chosen neighbors of any vertex tex2html_wrap_inline160 is at most tex2html_wrap_inline162 .

      Describe how the quantity tex2html_wrap_inline164 varies as a function of tex2html_wrap_inline92 .

Neal Young
Tue May 13 22:10:01 EDT 1997