Design and Analysis of Algorithms Neal Young

Computer Science 45

Presentation Topics I'd like each of you to teach a 1/2 hour session on some relevant topic during the last two days of class.

Here are some suggested topics; you are free to choose one not on this list.

  1. Least squares approximation (linear algebra) - CLR 31.4
  2. Fast fourier transforms and multiplying polynomials - CLR 32
  3. Boyer-Moore string matching - CLR 34.5
  4. Connected components on a PRAM (parallel algorithms) - CLR problem 30-3
  5. Skip lists - paper by Bill Pugh
  6. A topic in computational geometry (e.g. finding the convex hull or nearest neighbors of a set of points in the plane) - CLR 35
  7. A topic in approximation algorithms (e.g. vertex cover, traveling salesman, set-cover, subset-sum) - CLR 37

Neal Young
Tue May 13 22:13:32 EDT 1997