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Dynamic Programming references


problem subproblem for each recurrence base case final answer run time
count # s-> t paths P[v] = #paths from s to v vertex in graph P[v] = w: (u,w)∈ E P[w] P[s] = 1 P[t] O(#vertices+#edges)
n choose k C[i,j] =
#size-j subsets of {1,2,...,i}
i=0,1,..,n; j=0,1,...,i C[n,k] =
C[n-1,k] + C[n-1,k-1]
C[n,0] = 1
C[0,i] = 0 (i > 0)
C[n,k] O(n*k)
∃ subset of S[1..n]
summing to g?
ES[i,h] = true
if subset of {1,2,..,i}
sums to h
i=0,1,..,n; h=0,1,...,g ES[i,h] =
ES[i-1,h] or ES[i-1,h-S[i]]
ES[0,0] = true ES[n,g] O(n*g)
min wt triangulation
of {1,2,...,n}
MWT[i,j] = min wt
triangulation of {i,i+1,..,j}
1 ≤ i < j ≤ n MWT[i,j] = min
{cost[i,j] + MWT[i,k] + MWT[k,j] :
k=i+1,i+2,...,j-1 }
MWT[i,i+1] = cost[i,i+1] MWT[1,n] O(n3)
longest ascending
subsequence of {S[1],S[2],...,S[n]}
LAS[i] = longest
ascending subsequence
of {S[1],..S[i]} ending at S[i]
i=1,2,...,n LAS[i] = max{ 1, max{ 1 + LAS[j] : j=1,2,..,i-1 and S[j] < S[i] } - max {LAS[i] : i=1,2,...,n} O(n2)

See also ShortestPathsByDP...?


1. ask what subproblems you would need to solve in order to solve given problem

2. make sure the number of distinct subproblems is not too large

3. formulate a recurrence between subproblems

4. use the recurrence to design a recursive algorithm that caches, or an iterative algorithm

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Edited May 17, 2004 10:40 am by Neal (diff)