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- no background in embedded systems or sensor networks
- industrial background - 4 years working at Akamai Technologies (comprehensive understanding of internet, focused on dynamic optimization (load-balancing and network performance)). have acccess to internet data from Akamai (internet-wide performance & topology data). have some experience with systems for monitoring tens of thousands of networked servers and massive quantities of performance and billing data.
- academic background - theoretical analysis of algorithms, including algorithms for network design and protocols for distributed optimization. see for vita and publications
vision / interests
- no overall vision for NOES
- interested in internet-related research:
- studying internet structure w/ Akamai data
- interested in dynamic or distributed optimization problems arising in large networks with limited communication
- interested in studying limits on distributed optimization
- communication complexity -- a branch of theoretical CS concerned with proving lower bounds on amount of information required to compute a function f(x,y) when x and y are known by different parties. could be relevant to NOES because communication is a bottleneck for relevant networks.
- see my role as complimentary, not central