History of ClassS04CS141/Hwk1Hints

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Revision 9 . . April 22, 2004 5:29 pm by roam-neal3.cs.ucr.edu
Revision 8 . . April 22, 2004 5:28 pm by roam-neal3.cs.ucr.edu

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 31c31
# First, understand the meaning of the problem. What precisely is the problem asking for? If you are unsure, think about it some more or ask.
# First, understand the meaning of the problem. What precisely is the problem asking for? If you are unsure, think about it some more or ask. Even if you think you understand what the problem is asking for, you can ask a TA or the instructor for confirmation that you've got it.

ClassS04CS141 | recent changes | Preferences