
ClassS04CS141 | ClassS04CS141 | recent changes | Preferences

Difference (from prior minor revision) (no other diffs)

Removed: 1d0

Changed: 11,12c10,13
We will have a review session Saturday 06/05/04 at 2:30pm,
place to be announced.
We had a review session Saturday 06/05/04 at 2:30pm
in surge 268 (?).

Review material: /Review

Changed: 14,18c15
Review material:
: /Review
: /ReviewSoln? (under construction)
: /PracticeFinal? (under construction)
: /PracticeFinalSoln? (under construction)
I will send out a practice final Sunday morning by email.

Removed: 37d33

Information about the cs141 final exam

The final exam for section 001 will be

11:30am-2:30pm in SPR 2340, Monday 06/07/04

The final exam for section 002 will be

11:30am-2:30pm in SPR 2340, Friday 06/09/04
Section 002 students can come to the section 001 exam.

We had a review session Saturday 06/05/04 at 2:30pm in surge 268 (?).

Review material: /Review

I will send out a practice final Sunday morning by email.

The final will be three hours long. You can bring one sheet of 8.5x11 paper with anything you want printed or written on it with you to the exam. Otherwise it will be closed book, closed notes. No electronic devices.

The format of the exam will be similar to that of the /MidTerm .

I may ask for basic definitions and knowledge of algorithms and data structures we've covered. I may ask you to demonstrate the algorithms and data structures on examples. I may give you code and ask you what it does (typically something related to algorithms we've studied). I may ask you to prove correctness, analyze running times, or design and analyze a new algorithm or data structure. I may ask you questions to test your knowledge of programming and homework assignments.

ClassS04CS141 | ClassS04CS141 | recent changes | Preferences
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Last edited June 6, 2004 9:27 am by Neal Young (diff)