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Browse the paper itself here.
This is the bulletin board for discussing drafts of
Lagrangian Relaxation via Randomized Rounding.

Changed: 3,14c4,6

Comment on particular sections:

(Follow the link, then click the "edit" button.)
* Abstract?
# Introduction?
# [Randomized rounding by random sampling]?
# Notation?
# [Markov and Chernoff bounds]?
# [Example: fractional set cover]?
# [Random stopping times, Wald’s equation]?
# [Example: weighted set cover]?
# [Chernoff bound for random stopping times]?
# [Example: maximum multicommodity flow]?
You can browse a recent version of the first half of the draft in
or download a draft in pdf format.

Changed: 16,17c8,18

Discussion not related to specific sections:

(add comments here by clicking on the edit button below)
Please add comments regarding confusing points, missed citations, mistakes, etc.
This is a draft, and I'm hoping you'll help me make it readable and correct.
If you prefer, mail comments to "".
For more information about how to write comments, go here.


Lemma 3 (Chernoff): two ≥ should be ≤.


This is the bulletin board for discussing drafts of Lagrangian Relaxation via Randomized Rounding.

You can browse a recent version of the first half of the draft in html, or download a draft in pdf format.

Please add comments regarding confusing points, missed citations, mistakes, etc. This is a draft, and I'm hoping you'll help me make it readable and correct. If you prefer, mail comments to "". For more information about how to write comments, go here.


Lemma 3 (Chernoff): two ≥ should be ≤.


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Last edited January 28, 2004 2:31 pm by NealYoung (diff)