History of SetCoverByGreedy

ClassS04CS141 | recent changes | Preferences

Revision 2 . . February 2, 2004 11:20 am by Neal
Revision 1 . . February 2, 2004 11:14 am by Neal

Difference (from prior major revision) (no other diffs)

Changed: 33,34c33
The greedy algorithm for set cover is the following:

The greedy algorithm for weighted set cover is the following:

Added: 54a54,67


1. The partial set cover problem is, given a collection of sets and an integer K,
to find a minimum number of sets covering all but some K of the elements.
Prove that this problem has a (1+ln(n))-approximation algorithm, where n is
the number of elements.

2. Given a set of vertices V and a collection of sets of edges E1, E2, …, Em,
find a minimum-size collection of the edge sets
so that the union of the chosen sets contains a spanning tree.
Given a (1+ln(n))-approximation algorithm, where n is the number of vertices.

3. Extend your analyses above to the weighted versions of the problems.

ClassS04CS141 | recent changes | Preferences