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UCR CS 215 (Fall, 2004) - Theory of Computation

What kinds of problems can be, or cannot be, solved using computers? How do we formally model and reason about computation?

Latest news:

Goals for the end of the class: understand decidability, undecidability, polynomial-time reductions, NP completeness


proofs group problems week of nov 29 - /ProofsGroup1122

information about /Grades and /FinalExam
advanced topics: /ApproximationAlgorithms , /KolmogorovComplexity

study groups are meeting Mondays, Thursdays 3:30-5pm in surge 349
proofs groups are meeting Tuesdays (surge 284), Thursdays (surge 349), noon - 1:30

quiz 4 solutions - upload:quiz4_solns.pdf
quiz 3 solutions - upload:quiz3solns.pdf
quiz 2 solutions - upload:quiz2_solns.pdf
quiz 1 solutions - /EntranceQuizSolns

hwk 5 - upload:hwk5.pdf - (for review, not graded)
hwk 4 solutions - upload:hwk4_solns.pdf
hwk 3 solutions - upload:hwk3_solns.pdf
hwk 2 solutions - /Hwk2Solns
hwk 1, prob 2 soln - /TuringMachineSimulator.Cc - TM simulator in C++ (see also /TuringMachineSimulator.Py - in python)


/LectureSummaries -- summaries of the first 5 class meetings

proofs group from a previous term

/TentativeTopics, /SimilarCourses, /MeetingSchedule, /ReferenceMaterials

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Edited December 2, 2004 2:05 pm by Neal Young (diff)