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Difference (from prior minor revision) (author diff)

Changed: 1c1
Check to find out your scores on graded homework and quizzes.
Check to find out your scores on graded homework and quizzes.

Check to find out your scores on graded homework and quizzes.

Unless you choose to take the optional /FinalExam , your grade will be based on your Weighted Total, which is calculated by weighting each quiz and each homework (roughly) equally.

tentative grading scale (pre-final)

00-40 C-
40-50 C
50-60 C+
60-65 B-
65-75 B
75-80 B+
80-85 A-
85-95 A
95-99 A+

Here is the distribution of total scores, pre-final exam:


Here is the distribution of scores through quiz 3, hwk 3:


[The set of total scores (one for each of 23 students) was sorted, then plotted. Each vertical bar in the chart represents one total score. Y-axis is total score.]

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Last edited November 30, 2004 8:44 am by Neal Young (diff)