Cs141 Home/Hwk1

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5. C-3.14 and/or 3.15
5. C-3.14 and/or C-3.15.
(hint for 3.14: Try to do O(n) work to reduce the problem to size n/2. Then recurse. If you can do this, the total running time will be proportional to
n + n/2 + n/4 + ... + 1 = O(n).)
(hint for 3.15: have each taster sample more than one bottle. you want to be able to uniquely identify the bottle by seeing which set of tasters dies.)

Homework 1, due Thursday, Jan 20 at the beginning of class.

If you can't attend class, slide it under my office door before 11am.

1. Problem R-3.6 (from the text). Do the top two rows of functions only.

2. Problem R-3.8, except do only two columns: 1 hour (column 2) and 2 hours (not in the table).

3. R-3.13

4. C-3.8 The input is a sequence a1, a2, ..., an. The output is a sequence A1, A2, ..., An where Ai = a1 + a2 + ... + ai. Explain why your algorithm is correct (this should be easy). Explain what the running time is, and why. Try to find an O(n)-time algorithm.

5. C-3.14 and/or C-3.15. (hint for 3.14: Try to do O(n) work to reduce the problem to size n/2. Then recurse. If you can do this, the total running time will be proportional to n + n/2 + n/4 + ... + 1 = O(n).) (hint for 3.15: have each taster sample more than one bottle. you want to be able to uniquely identify the bottle by seeing which set of tasters dies.)

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Last edited January 13, 2005 11:23 pm by Neal (diff)