Homework 1, due Thursday, Jan 20 at the beginning of class.
If you can't attend class, slide it under my office door before 11am.
1. Problem R-3.6 (from the text). Do the top two rows of functions only.
2. Problem R-3.8, except do only two columns: 1 hour (column 2) and 2 hours (not in the table).
3. R-3.13
4. C-3.8 The input is a sequence a1, a2, ..., an. The output is a sequence A1, A2, ..., An where Ai = a1 + a2 + ... + ai. Explain why your algorithm is correct (this should be easy). Explain what the running time is, and why. Try to find an O(n)-time algorithm.
5. C-3.14 and/or 3.15