CS230 : Computer Graphics

Fall 2014

Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:40pm-2:00pm, in HMNSS 1407.
Instructor: Tamar Shinar (shinar@cs.ucr.edu)
Office hours: After class, and Tuesdays, 11am-12pm (WCH, Room 419)
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, by Shirley, Ashikhmin, Marschner
Other resources:
OpenGL Programming Guide, by Shreiner, The Khronos OpenGL ARB Working Group

    An earlier version of the book is available for free online here.


This is an introductory, graduate-level course in computer graphics. Topics to be covered include modeling and geometric representations, affine and perspective transforms, rendering with global illumination and other light models, shading and texture mapping, rasterization and anti-aliasing techniques, keyframe animation, and physics-based animation.

Assignments and grading

There will be two programming assignments and a final project. These will be assigned in class and details will be posted here. Check the schedule for due dates. You may take a total of 2 late days for the course, to be used on either of Assignments 1 or 2. The final project must be submitted on time. The assignments are to be done individually. The final project may be done individually or in groups of 2. In-class participation will include occasional, brief quizzes that should be simple if you are attending class and following the material presented in class. The lowest two quiz scores will be dropped.

The grade breakdown is
Assignment 1: 25%
Assignment 2: 25%
Project: 35%
Quizzes and Exercises: 15%