About Me

I'm a fifth year PhD student at Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California, Riverside. My advisor is Dr. Eamonn Keogh. My CV is here. My email adress is yzhu015 [AT] ucr [DOT] edu.
My research interest is in various aspects of data mining, for both batch and streaming data:
- Classification and clustering algorithms
- Irrevocable-choice algorithms
- Outlier detection algorithms
- Motif discovery algorithms
- Prognostics algorithms
- Time Series Chains
Our paper "Matrix Profile VII: Time Series Chains: A New Primitive for Time Series Data Mining" received the Best Student Paper Award at ICDM 2017! The paper and slides can be obtained from our Matrix Profile research page .
Please check out our Matrix Profile reseach page !
My internship project in Summer 2016, the Microsoft Project Promonition is featured in an on-going Microsoft ad campaign!
Our paper "Matrix Profile II: Exploiting a Novel Algorithm and GPUs to break the one Hundred Million Barrier for Time Series Motifs and Joins" was selected as one of the best paper award candidates at ICDM 2016!
Yan Zhu, Makoto Imamura, Daniel Nikovski, and Eamonn Keogh. Matrix Profile VII: Time Series Chains: A New Primitive for Time Series Data Mining. IEEE ICDM 2017 (Best Student Paper Award, to appear)
Yan Zhu*, Chin-Chia M. Yeh*, Liudmila Ulanova, Nurjahan Begum, Yifei Ding, Hoang Anh Dau, Zachary Zimmerman, Diego F. Silva, Abdullah Mueen, and Eamonn Keogh, "Time Series Joins, Motifs, Discords and Shapelets: a Unifying View that Exploits the Matrix Profile," Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD), 2017 (*joint first authors)
Yan Zhu, Zachary Zimmerman, Nader Shakibay Senobari, Chin-Chia Michael Yeh, Gareth Funning, Abdullah Mueen, Philip Brisk and Eamonn Keogh (2016). Matrix Profile II: Exploiting a Novel Algorithm and GPUs to break the one Hundred Million Barrier for Time Series Motifs and Joins. IEEE ICDM 2016 (Best Paper Award Candidate).
Chin-Chia Michael Yeh, Yan Zhu, Liudmila Ulanova, Nurjahan Begum, Yifei Ding, Hoang Anh Dau, Diego Furtado Silva, Abdullah Mueen, Eamonn Keogh (2016). Matrix Profile I: All Pairs Similarity Joins for Time Series: A Unifying View that Includes Motifs, Discords and Shapelets. IEEE ICDM 2016.
Yan Zhu and Eamonn Keogh (2016). Irrevocable-choice algorithms for sampling from a stream. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, (), 1-26. doi:10.1007/s10618-016-0472-z
Yan Zhu and Sheldon X.-D. Tan. GPU-Accelerated Parallel Monte Carlo Analysis of Analog Circuits by Hierarchical Graph-Based Solver. IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), Chiba/Tokyo, Japan, January 2015
Hanbin Hu, Guoyong Shi and Yan Zhu. Incremental Symbolic Construction for Topological Modeling of Analog Circuits. in Proc. IEEE 10th International Conference on ASIC(ASICON), Shenzhen, China, October 2013
Tian Huang, Yan Zhu, Qiannan Zhang, Yongxin Zhu, Dongyang Wang, Meikang Qiu and Lei Liu. An LOF-based Adaptive Anomaly Detection Scheme for Cloud Computing. in Proc. IEEE 5th International Workshop on Security Aspects in Processes and Services Engineering(SAPSE), Kyoto, Japan, July 2013
Yan Zhu, Guoyong Shi, Frank Lee and Andy Tai. Symbolic Time-Varying Root-Locus Analysis for Oscillator Design. in Proc. IEEE 10th International New Circuits and Systems Conference (NEWCAS), Montreal, Canada, June 2012