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My research lies at the unique intersection of software engineering, DL/NLP, and heterogeneous computing. The vision of my research is to democratize the development of emerging software (such as ML, heterogeneous applications, big data analytics) by reinventing software testing, debugging, program synthesis, and analysis tools. I have been selected as one of the eight MIT EECS rising stars in Systems (broadly defined) in 2021. I have received awards such as ACM SIGSOFT Research Highlights and Regents Faculty Fellowship. My research is funded by NSF, Cisco, and UCR Senate.
- SE4DA: As part of my research, we develop noval testing (ASE2020, ICSE2021) and debugging tools for Apache Spark applications.
- SE for new generation of computing: Emerging hardware, like FPGAs and quantum circuits, is shaping the future of heterogeneous computing; however, the use of such extraordinary computing power is restricted to a few software developers with microprocessor expertise. Our research aims to lower the barriers of porting traditional software to heterogeneous platforms, and making emerging hardware resources equally accessible across a diverse range of developers. This includes research over reinventing testing (FSE2021, FSE2023, ASE2021), refactoring (ICSE2020), program transformation (ASPLOS2022), and interactive programming tools.
- NLP4SE: We adapt large language models in NLP to interactive program synthesis, program summarization, and testing tools (ISSTA2024).
- DuoReduce: Bug Isolation for Multi-Layer Extensible Compilation FSE'25
by Jiyuan Wang, Yuxin Qiu, Ben Limpanukorn, Hong Jin Kang, Qian Zhang, Miryung KimAcceptance Rate: 20%
The 33rd ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering
13 pages, 2025 - Calico: Automated Knowledge Calibration and Diagnosis for Elevating AI Mastery in Code Tasks ISSTA'24
by Yuxin Qiu, Jie Hu, Qian Zhang, Heng YinAcceptance Rate: 20%
The ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis,
13 pages, 2024 [slides][video][tool] - MetaSim: A search engine for finding Similar GitHub RepositoriesICSME'24
by Md Rayhanul Masud, Md Omar Faruk Rokon, Qian Zhang, Michalis FaloutsosAcceptance Rate: 37%
The 40th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution,
5 pages, Demonstrations, 2024 - Testing AI Systems Leveraging Graph PerturbationFSE'24
by Zhaorui Yang, Haichao Zhu, Qian ZhangAcceptance Rate: 40%
The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering, Poster, 2024 - Who is Creating Malware Repositories on GitHub and Why?WWW'24
by Nishat Ara Tania, Md Rayhanul Masud, Md Omar Faruk Rokon, Qian Zhang, Michalis FaloutsosAcceptance Rate: 30%
The Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2024, 4 pages, 2024 - Augmenting Greybox Fuzzing with Generative AI
by Jie Hu, Qian Zhang, and Heng Yin - Leveraging Hardware Probes and Optimizations for Accelerating Fuzz Testing of Heterogeneous Applications ESEC/FSE'23
by Jiyuan Wang, Qian Zhang, Hongbo Rong, Harry Xu, and Miryung KimAcceptance Rate: 20%
The 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference
and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 13 pages, 2023 - HeteroGen: Transpiling C to Heterogeneous HLS Code with Automated ASPLOS'22
Test Generation and Program RepairAcceptance Rate: 20%
by Qian Zhang, Jiyuan Wang, Harry Xu, Miryung Kim
The 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 13 pages, 2022 - QDiff: Differential Testing of Quantum Software Stacks ASE'21
by Jiyuan Wang, Qian Zhang, Harry Xu, Miryung KimAcceptance Rate: 20%
The 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated
Software Engineering, 13 pages, 2021 - HeteroFuzz: Fuzz Testing to Detect Platform Dependent Divergence ESEC/FSE'21
by Qian Zhang, Jiyuan Wang, Miryung KimAcceptance Rate: 24.5%
The 29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference
and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, 13 pages, 2021 - Efficient Fuzz Testing for Apache Spark Using Framework AbstractionICSE'21 Demonstration
by Qian Zhang, Jiyuan Wang, Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Rohan Padhye, Miryung KimAcceptance Rate: 37%
The 43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering,
4 pages, Demonstrations, 2021 - BigFuzz: Efficient Fuzz Testing for Data Analytics using Framework AbstractionASE'20
by Qian Zhang, Jiyuan Wang, Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Rohan Padhye, Miryung KimAcceptance Rate: 22.5%
The 35th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated
Software Engineering, 13 pages, 2021 [slides][video][tool] - HeteroRefactor: Refactoring for Heterogeneous Computing with FPGA ICSE'20
by Jason Lau*, Aishwarya Sivaraman*, Qian Zhang*, Muhammad Ali Gulzar,Acceptance Rate: 20.9%
Jason Cong, Miryung Kim
[* are equal co-first authors, ordered alphabetically by their last names.]
The 42nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering,
13 pages, 2020 [slides][video][tool] - ApproxIt: A Quality Management Framework of Approximate Computing for Iterative Methods TCAD Journal'20
by Qian Zhang, Qiang Xu
The IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2020 - ARSketch: Sketch-Based User Interface for Augmented Reality Glasses ACM MM'20
by Zhaohui Zhang*, Haichao Zhu*, Qian ZhangAcceptance Rate: 27%
[* are equal co-first authors, ordered alphabetically by their last names.]
The 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 9 pages, 2020 - Lookup Table Allocation for Approximate Computing with Memory Under Quality Constraints DATE'18
by Ye Tian, Qian Zhang, Ting Wang, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 24%
The Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2018 - ApproxLUT: A Novel Approximate Lookup Table-Based AcceleratorICCAD'17
by Ye Tian, Ting Wang, Qian Zhang, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 26%
The IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 2017 - ApproxQA: A Unified Quality Assurance Framework for Approximate ComputingDATE'17
by Ting Wang, Qian Zhang, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 24%
The Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2017 - ApproxEigen: An Approximate ComputingTechnique for Large-Scale Eigen-DecompositionICCAD'15
by Qian Zhang, Ye Tian, Ting Wang, Feng Yuan, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 22.6%
The IEEE/ACM International Conferenceon Computer-Aided Design, 2015 - ApproxANN: An Approximate ComputingFramework for Artificial Neural NetworkDATE'15
by Qian Zhang, Ting Wang, Ye Tian, Feng Yuan, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 22.4%
The Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, 2015 - ApproxIt: An Approximate Computing Framework for Iterative MethodsDAC'14
by Qian Zhang, Feng Yuan, Rong Ye, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 22.1%
The IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference, 2014 - ApproxMA: Approximate Memory Accessfor Dynamic Precision Scaling GVLSI'15
by Ye Tian, Qian Zhang, Ting Wang, Feng Yuan, Qiang Xuinvited
The Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, 2015 - On Effective and Efficient Quality Management for Approximate ComputingISLPED'16
by Ting Wang, Qian Zhang, Nam Sung Kim, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 32%
The IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronicsand Design, 2016 - On Resilient Task Allocation and Scheduling with Uncertain Quality CheckersASPDAC'17
by Qian Zhang, Ting Wang, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 30%
The IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2017 - ApproxMap: On Task Allocationand Scheduling for Resilient ApplicationsASPDAC'16
by Yi Juan, Qian Zhang, Ye Tian, Ting Wang, Weichen Liu, Edwin H.-M. Sha, Qiang XuAcceptance Rate: 31%
The IEEE/ACM Asia and South Pacific DesignAutomation Conference, 2016 - On hybrid memory allocation for FPGA behavioral synthesisFPGA'14
by Qian Zhang, Chenfei Ma, Qiang Xuposter track
The ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, 2014