CS 141, Spring 2002: [Intermediate] Data Structures and Algorithms
Report Academic Dishonesty
Read the CS&E academic (dis)honesty policy
Written Assignments
- All assignments and solutions will be posted on the class homepage
- Write your full name with upper-case LAST name, assignment number, SSN, login, class section, lab section
- Write legibly: what cannot be read will not be graded. Consider typing the assignment if you handwriting is hard to read
- Written assignments have to be submitted before the beginning of the class on the due date on my desk
- Include the following on first page ``I certify that this submission represent my own original work'' (date, signature)
- No late assignment will be accepted
- Any problem with grading of a written assignment should be addressed at the latest two weeks after the assignment is returned
to you
Programming Assignments
- All programming assignments and solutions will be posted on the class homepage
- Programs must compile with g++ under Linux and run on hill.cs.ucr.edu
- You are expected to split your program in several .cc and .h files and to use makefiles
- Programs should be written in a structured an understandable way
- The grade will be based on correctness, comments, style, readability, and code efficiency
- The programs will be inspected for plagiarism using automatic tools
- At the beginning of each source code file you should include your full name with upper-case LAST name, assignment number, SSN, login, class section, lab section
- Programming assignments have to be submitted electronically by noon on the due date. Instructions on how to turn in your code will be given during the labs
- No late programming assignment will be accepted
- Any problem with grading of a programming assignment should be addressed at the latest two weeks after the assignment is returned
to you
Collaboration and Academic (dis)honesty
Collaboration not only helps you get the job done, it teaches you how
to explain your ideas to others. This is why we allow a limited form
of discussion of the problems between students. It is not acceptable,
however, to pool thoughts and produce common answers. To avoid this
situation, we advise the students not to write notes during the
discussions, but try to remember the basic ideas that should be later
fully developed on their own. Be careful not to let other people do
all the work. If you abuse the opportunity for collaboration in this
manner, you will do poorly in the course and fail the exams.
- It is allowed to verbally collaborate on
homework problems and the programming assignments. On
each problem and program that you hand-in, you must
include the names of the students with whom you have
had discussions concerning your solution. Indicate
whether you gave help, received help, or worked
something out together.
- It is allowed to obtain help from anyone concerning programming issues which are clearly more general than the specific assignment (for example, compilation errors)
- It is not allowed to
- share written work or programs with anyone else
- receive help from students who have taken the course in previous years
- review any course materials (or software) from previous years
- look up the answer to a homework assignment or a programming assignment which happens to appear in the published literature or on the web
- Students who allow their files or assignments to be copied are as guilty of dishonesty as those who copy. Therefore, students are responsible to take reasonable precautions to ensure that their work is not available for unauthorized use
- Academic dishonesty will be dealt accordingly to the UCR's and CSE's policies