technical kowledge

Known Computer Languages: Python, C++, C, Java

Skills: SQL, React, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, Unity Game Engine

Familiar Operation Systems: Linux(Red Hat, CentOS, Ubuntu), Mac OS, Windows

Languages: Chinese (Native Speaker), English (Proficient), Cantonese (Native Speaker)


University of California Riverside Riverside, CA

B.S(Bachelor of Science) Degree in Computer Science

Sep 2018- Dec 2020

De Anza College Cupertino, CA

A.S(Associate of Science) Degree in Computer Information System

Sep 2015 – Sep 2018


Battery Information Control Panel @ IQHi Company

A website calculates how battery performance. Using Flask for backend and React application on real time calculation on battery packs. Providing information about detail estimation of battery data.

Worldwide Virtual Private Network (VPN) Service Provider

Google Cloud Platform Virtual Machine, SQL, PHP, HTML5

A website that provides VPN service to users in China to bypass network blockage. Using socks5 protocol and cisco AnyConnect protocol to establish the connection. CDN also deployed on the website. Also created a custom website for customers and successfully running for two years.

Pushing Back to Desert Unity Game for mobile platform


iPhone 2D online game. Program by the unity engine and C#. Created online login system for multiple user login. Drawing beautiful pictures, they built attracts player to protect our environment.

Custom Side Scroller Game

C, Embedded System

A game consists of a character on one side of the screen that moves according to the user controls. Using Custom Atmega1284 microcontroller hardware and Electrical wiring to create game logic circuit.

working experiences

Software Developer @ IQHI Battery Inc

Sep 2020 –Jan 2021

Designing and Develop web-based application by Product Manager requests. Also responsible for integration testing for website components. Including the major design of section functionality, unit testing and CI/CD test.

Application Integration Engineer @ IQHI Battery Inc.

Sep 2019- Sep 2020

Intergrade all research result to a possible explanation of battery lifecycle. In charge of machine learning model programming. Responsible for company data storage and compute results.

Battery Lab Researcher @ UCR Material Science & Engineering

Jun 2019 – Sep 2019

Researching project for Tesla 18650 batteries. Majorly finding the relationship between user habit and battery life cycle. Using machine learning model and modern chemistry to collect and compute data.

Bookstore Web Assistance @ De Anza College

Sep 2016 - Jun 2018

Performing a great leadership of team building. Offering campus-wide customer services. Offering campus-wide online website which servicing people to purchase their book. Also responsible for teamwork load distribution and product stocking management.


State‐of‐health prediction for lithium‐ion batteries via electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and artificial neural networks

UC Riverside MSE.

Article published in Issue on 25 October 2020

Author: Yige Li, Bo Dong, Taner Zerrin, Evan Jauregui, Xichao Wang, Xia Hua, Dwaraknath Ravichandran, Ruoxu Shang, Jia Xie, Mihrimah Ozkan, Cengiz S. Ozkan