CS 182 Project Report Guidelines
Submission: Sumbit the report via Canvas
Submission format: PDF file
File name: CS182-Fall24-Project-XX.pdf
(XX is your team repository name)
Skeleton of the Report
Total: 10 pts
Team Information: 2 pts
- Team repository name and team members (full name and NetID)
- Work distribution: A fraction or a percentage with a short description of your work division
Project Summarization: 3 pts
- What is the project doing at a high level
- What have you completed in the project
- What difficulties did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?
Result: 5 pts
- Describe your self-written test cases, if any: You may take screenshots of the output of
running the test cases
Describe the results of the given test cases (In Phase 1 and 3).
- How did you modify these test cases to meet your needs?
- You may take screenshots of the output of running the test cases
Wrong Submission Format: -5 pts
Wrong File Name: -5 pts