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sul_error_t Struct Reference

Data Fields

apr_pool_t * pool
apr_status_t apr_err
sul_status_t sul_err
char * msg
char * file
apr_int32_t line

Detailed Description

Error for recording runtime problems that we'd like to track and eventually tell the user about.

Field Documentation

apr_status_t sul_error_t::apr_err

APR error code for this error or 0 if no APR problems occured.

sul_error_t* sul_error_t::cause

Cascading cause of this Error.

char* sul_error_t::file

File that the Error occured in.

apr_int32_t sul_error_t::line

Line number that the Error occured on.

char* sul_error_t::msg

Textual description of the problem that occured, for the debugging and the users benefit.

apr_pool_t* sul_error_t::pool

Pool from which this Error and its overhead is allocated from.

sul_status_t sul_error_t::sul_err

SUL error code.

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Generated on Wed Apr 28 09:38:37 2004 for State by doxygen 1.3.5