Chapter 2. Installation

Table of Contents

Monitoring Server
Statistics Server


State is a large piece of software and so there are a few dependencies that should be installed before you attempt to compile things. Note that if you do try and compile before fullfilling all of the dependencies that the configure stage will, hopefully, notice you are missing some necessary pieces. Dependencies do change depending on your needs for a specific installation. If you're installing a State server then you'll need more than if you were installing State on a machine that is going to be monitored. Steps necessary for installation also change depending on your goals for that particular installation, obviously. At any time, you can always check to see which configure options State will accept if you are in doubt in any way. This may be necessary to tell State where some of its dependencies are located at if you've installed them in alternate locations.

$ ./configure --help

Now all you really need to do is follow the appropriate Installation procedure, depending on if you're installing a Monitoring Server or a Statistics Server. Generally, you'll want to place a Statistics Server on all the machines you want to gather disk space, load average, and other such information on. Otherwise, nearly all the other types of checks can be done remotely, such as service checks and availability for example.