Joseph Tarango
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Bourns College of Engineering
University of California, Riverside

CS122A | Syllabus
Intro to FPGAs | Basics of VHDL | Intro to Xilinx | Turnin
Lab 1 | Lab 2 | Lab 3 | Lab 4 | Lab 5 | Project

Lab 1 : Basic Components


Before beginning these exercises read the webpages: Intro to FPGAs, Basics of VHDL, Intro to Xilinx, and Turnin.

For this lab you will create Parts 1-8, in VHDL with the specified inputs and outputs then synthesize and test these components with the given testbenches. If you are struggling to remember the logic behind the parts in the lab exercises then refer to previous computer science books.

Example Code
Note: Only for this lab will testbenches be provided. It is your job as a student to correctly test assignments before turning them in. You should review the provided code and understand how to make your own test benches.
In Parts 1-5 you will be creating combinational circuits, where the output depends on the current values of the inputs. The entities are to be declared as strictly structural and none of these entities should not have a processes statement in them.

In contrast, Parts 6-8 are sequential circuits, where the output depends on both it current input and its previous inputs. In other words, a sequential circuit maintains a state and its output depends on its current input and the state the circuit is in. All of the circuits are to be synchronous, meaning all of the changes happen at the rising edge of the clock cycle; the reasoning for this is buried in the Xilinx documentation relating to gated clocks. Gated clocks can cause clock skew, where all of the synchronized registers are not guaranteed to meet timing requirements. Other benefits exist from creating strictly synchronous designs, such as better logic reduction in synthesis, retiming in circuits for faster clocking, and better timing for deep pipelined circuits. All of these positive attributes relate to the fundamental architecture of the FPGA fabric, which is not discusses in this class.

Part 1 - Bitwise NOT (32-bit)

Figure: NOT gate

File Name: lab1_part1.vhdl
Entity Name: not32
Inputs: A
Outputs: S
Logic: S = A'
Description: Create a 32-bit bitwise NOT logical operator. The architecture is to be defined structurally. A is a binary value.

Part 2 - Bitwise AND (32-bit)

Figure: AND gate

File Name: lab1_part2.vhdl
Entity Name: and32
Inputs: A, B
Outputs: S
Logic: S = A + B
Description: Create a 32-bit bitwise AND logical operator. The architecture is to be defined structurally. A and B are binary values.

Part 3 - Multiplexer (32 bit) with 2-bit select

Figure: Mux block

File Name: lab1_part3.vhdl
Entity Name: mux4
Inputs: A, B, C, D, Sel
Outputs: S
Signal Description: When Sel is zero, S is A. When Sel is one, S is B. When Sel is two, S is C. When Sel is three, S is D.
Description: Within a architecture structurally define a multiplexer.

Part 4 - Shift Left (32-bit) with no wrapping

Figure: High level shift left

File Name: lab1_part4.vhdl
Entity Name: shift32
Inputs: A, B
Outputs: S
Description: Create a shift operator, where A shifted left by B with zeros in place of every shift. The architecture is to be defined structurally. A and B are binary values.
IE: A = binary "11110001", B = binary "00000011", S = binary "1000100".

Part 5 - Adder (32-bit)

Figure: Adder

File Name: lab1_part5.vhdl
Entity name: adder32
Inputs: A, B
Outputs: S, Overflow
Mathematical: S = A + B
Directions: Structurally define half adder and full adder components to create a ripple carry adder. The ripple carry adder is defined structurally within the architecture. A and B are binary values.
Note: When, adding two large numbers an overflow can occur. Overflow can be checked the last carry out bit!
Half Adder

Figure: Half Adder

File Name: lab1_part5a.vhdl
Entity Name: halfadder
Inputs: a, b
Outputs: s, cout
Logic: s = a xor b, cout = a.b
Full Adder

Figure: Full Adder

File Name: lab1_part5b.vhdl
Entity Name: fulladder
Inputs: a, b, cin
Outputs: s, cout
Logic: s = a xor b xor cin, cout =  (a.b)  + (a.cin) + (b.cin)
Hint: Define the adder units unit, then use a generate statement to define the number of bits. If a generic is used in the entity description, then portability across systems will be easy.

Part 6 - Synchronous Register (32-bit)

Figure: Single Register

A register is a basic storage element that stores a bit or multiple bits. Registers are typically composed of multiple D flip-flops.

Figure: Register of N bits

File Name: lab1_part6.vhdl
Entity Name: sreg32
Inputs: Clock, Reset, Load, Input
Outputs: Output
Signal Directions: If Reset is high, then the Output is zero. If  Reset is low, and Load are low, then Output keeps previous Input. If the Load is high, and Reset is low, then input is assigned to Output.
Description: Create a 32-bit wide register. The register should operate as a standard synchronous flip-flop, meaning the reset happens at the rising edge of the clock.

What does the rising edge of the clock mean? The rising edge of a signal is when the signal makes the transition from low to high. In VHDL, we describe this action by "clock'event and clock = 1", where the clock is the global clock of the system.

Hint: Define a register unit, then use a generate statement to define the number of bits. However, if a generic is used in the entity description, then portability across systems will be easy.

Part 7 - Synchronous Counter (32-bit)

Figure: Counter

As an engineer you will be faced with choices, that have trade-offs. For your synchronous counter, you can either: use the previous adder and register to create a counter OR define the counter as a behavior, the choice is yours!

File Name: lab1_part7.vhdl
Entity Name: scounter32
Inputs: Clock, Reset, Enable
Outputs: Count, Overflow
Signal Description: If Reset is high, then Count is zero. If Reset low, then Count keeps previous Count. If Enable is high, then Count gets previous Count's value plus one. If previous Count is max binary value, then Overflow is high. If previous Count is not max binary value, then Overflow is low.
Description: The counter can be defined in the architecture either structurally or behaviorally, but remember the design is synchronous! Using the adder and/or register component previously made is recommended!
Hint: Use a generic in the entity description, then portability across systems will be easy.

Part 8 - Synchronous Finite State Machine

At this point, you have created a simple sequential elements (register and counter). Now you will put those concepts to use in developing a circuit that implements a finite state machine (FSM) or deterministic finite automata (DFA).

Figure: Sample FSM

A straight forward way to write this in VHDL using a Mealy or Moore model. A simple reminder differences of the models is a Moore model outputs in the state, where a Mealy model outputs on the transistion. For both of these models, it is implied that the transistions have a clock tick. An overview in performance shows a Moore model performs better for FPGAs because one-hot encoded state machines have little to no decoding, however if a binary encoded state mchine is used then a Mealy model performs better. Knowing which model to use based on the state machine is not always trivial, therefore, we will use a Moore Model.

The model can be described a register, transition, and an output process. Transistion and output are both combinational and the register process is the sequential memory unit.

Figure: Synchronous Model

The three process model shown below is a standard way of modeling a FSM in VHDL. Although there are methods to combine these processes into one, this model is simpler to understand and debug; if there should be a logic error in the code.

Note: there are three processes within the FSM architecture, one process with the label state_register, one process with the label transition_logic, and one process with the label output_logic. These processes directly correspond to the FSM diagram above. The state_register is responsible for reset and loading the value of the state that it receives from the transition_logic. The transition_logic is responsible for evaluating the current state to determine the next state. Lastly, the output_logic sets output based on the current state.

entity fsm is

      port (

            clock: in std_logic;

            reset: in std_logic;

            i: in std_logic;

            o: out std_logic


end fsm;


architecture arch of fsm is


      type states is (S0, S1, S2);


      signal currentstate, nextstate: states;




-- "state_register" is just a descriptive label we choose.

-- Look carefully at the logic here!

-- On the *rising* edge of the clock,

-- If reset is high, we change the currentstate to S0

--  (look at the FSM to see why S0 was chosen).

-- Otherwise,  currentstate gets the value of nextstate.

state_register: process(reset, clock)


      if (clock = '1' and clock'event) then

            if (reset = '1') then

                        currentstate <= S0;


                        currentstate <= nextstate;

            end if;

      end if;

end process;


-- Again, "output_logic" is just a descriptive label we chose.

-- Look at how each case statement corresponds to the output

-- based on the FSM diagram above!!

output_logic: process(currentstate)


      case currentstate is

      when S0 =>

            o <= '0';

      when S1 =>

            o <= '1';

      when S2 =>

            o <= '0';

      -- In case of an error, have output zero.

      when others =>

            o <= '0';

      end case;

end process;


-- Lastly, "transition_logic" is another descriptive label we choose.

-- Look how the transitions in each condition of the case statement

--  correspond to the FSM diagram above!

transition_logic: process(currentstate, i)


      case currentstate is

            when S0 =>

                  nextstate <= S1;

            when S1 =>

                  if (i = '0') then

                        nextstate <= S0;


                        nextstate <= S2;

                  end if;

            when S2 =>

                  nextstate <= S1;

            -- In case of an error or non-existant state shows up on

            -- currentstate, revert to the "reset" state, S0

            when others =>

                  nextstate <= S0;

      end case;

end process;


end arch;

Here is a layout of the FSM you are to create example_fsm.vhdl

File Name: lab1_part8.vhdl
Entity Name: syncfsm
Inputs: Clock, Reset, Enable
Outputs: Output, Valid, Increment, Count, Overflow
Use the counter you made to be a component in the a synchronous finite state machine and describe the FSM as a behavior.
Finite State Machine

Figure: Partial syncfsm Model
When Reset is high, then in State_0. When Reset is low and Enable is high, then fsm state is updated with the next state.
State_0: Output is low, Valid is low, Count is Zero, and if Reset is high, then Increment is high otherwise Increment is low.
State_1: Output is high, Valid is low, Count is Zero, and if Reset is high, then Increment is high otherwise Increment is low.
State_2: Output is high, Valid is high, Count is equal to current counter value, and if Reset is high, then Increment is high otherwise Increment is low.
State_3: Output is high, Valid is low, Count is Zero, and if Reset is high or internal count is equal to 31(0x0000001F), then Increment is high otherwise Increment is low.
State_0: If the internal count is 191 (0x000000BF), then next state is State_1, else state is State_0.
State_1: If the internal count is 95 (0x0000005F), then next state is State_2, else state is State_1.
State_2: If the internal count is 1279 (0x000004FF), then next state is State_3, else state is State_2.
State 3: If the internal count is 31 (0x0000001F), then next state is State_0, else state is State_3.
Other Actions
State_0: If (the internal count is 191 (0x000000BF) and Enable is high) or Reset is high, then the internal counter is reset.
State_1: If (the internal count is 95 (0x0000005F) and Enable is high) or Reset is high, then the internal counter is reset.
State_2: If (the internal count is 1279 (0x000004FF) and Enable is high) or Reset is high, then the internal counter is reset.
State 3: If (the internal count is 31 (0x0000001F)and Enable is high) or Reset is high, then the internal counter is reset.
Hint: If you make this FSM correctly with generic parameters for each count check, then you can use this as a synchronous counter within a VGA driver.
Extra Credit: Make a simple 32-bit Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) with the NOT, AND, Adder, and Shift Left.
File Name: lab1_ec.vhdl
Entity Name: alu32
Inputs: A, B, Select
Outputs: S, Overflow
Signal Description:
When select is zero, then S is NOT A.
When select is one, then S is A AND B.
When select is two, then S is A shifted left by B.
When select is three, then S is A plus B.
When select is three and adder overflows occurs, then overflow is high, else low.

Testbench File name: lab1_ec_tb.vhdl
Testbench Entity name: alu32_tb

Description: Create an 32-bit ALU from previous made components, and test it with your own test bench. You must prove ALU is completely tested, this includes possible exceptions!

To adequately test the ALU consider the all of the logical sets, and whether the result can be differentiated from the input.

NOT := only one test case is necessary, due to direct mapping.
AND := test where the inputs are > {(0,0) , (N,M) , (N,N)}
ADDER := test where the sum is > {(0), (N), (MAX-1), (MAX), (Overflow)}
SHIFTER := { {Shift by zero}, {Shift by N}, {Shift to MAX-1}, {Shift to MAX or over}}

N, M := independant are integers
MAX := is the maximum integer within the range