
  To obtain a full time Software Engineer position starting in summer 2016

Bachelor student in Computer Science, specializing in designing, building, and managing software system by using C++

or Python with added emphasis on deep understanding of data structures, algorithms, and system architecture.


       Proficiency with C++, Python, C, Bash, HTML, and CSS

       Experience in Java, JavaScript, Hadoop, Cassandra, Lex, Bison, SQL, Perl, Matlab, and Octave

       Others: proficiency with Qt, Git, and LaTeX

       Language: English and Mandarin


Software Design Engineer, PCR Primer Design Software, UC Riverside, CA  May 2015 – June 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

       Implemented Hirschberg's Algorithm to replaced Needleman-Wunsch Algorithm, which reduced up to 90% using-space of the software.

       Software version updates and code debugging for the tool PRISE2 for primer/probe design in OFRG project

       Developing Graphical User Interface and function classes of the software to satisfy the requirements of researches using Qt and C++

       Lab main page Design, Implementation, and Maintenance. Launched visually appealing, user-friendly website for the academic purposes

Project Designer, Senior Design: Twitter Hashtag Analyzer, UC Riverside, CA                                                    Apr 2016 – June 2016

       Co-design a crawler by using Twitter stream API and Java to collect about 5G data

       Enhanced skills in processing data with Hadoop and Perl, then storing data into Cassandra

       Created a web interface by using html, CSS, and JavaScript to display Top 5 hashtags on Google Map after specify a day and location

Software Engineer, Open-source software, UC, Riverside, CA         Sep 2014 – Dec 2014                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

       Implementation of open-source software Mandelbrotex and Eckart Inertias

       Modified and reprogram various Matlab scripts into Octave scripts for the purpose of research

       Wrote tutorials about maintaining the software


University of California, Riverside                                                                                   Sep 2012 – June 2016

BS, Computer Science                                                                                                                       GPA: 3.49