- We'll be using canvas/elearn for course discussions. Feel free to have discussions or answer questions from others (many students learn through discussions). We'll do our best to get to your questions quickly in case no help is offered.
- Welcome to CS179F!
Course Staff
- Zhiyun Qian,
zhiyunq (at) cs (dot) ucr (dot) edu, Office: WCH 334
Office hours: by appointment
- Xiaochen Zou
xzou017 (at) ucr (dot) edu
Office hours: Thursdays 11am to noon, WCH 367 (and appointments by email)
Class hours
Lectures: Tuesdays, 4 to 4:50pm, Alfred M. Boyce Hall Hall 1471
Labs: Wednesdays 6pm to 8:50pm, Material Science and Engineering 103