CS260: Syllabus
Winter Quarter 2017
Calendar and Readings
Week 1: Introduction
1/9 M: Course overview + networking review (pdf)
1/11 W: How is video created, stored, and disseminated? (pdf)
1/13 F: No class
Week 2: Adaptive video streaming
1/16 M: No class (President's Day)
1/18 W: Discussion
J. Jiang, V. Sekar, H. Zhang , “Improving Fairness, Efficiency, and Stability in HTTP-based Adaptive Video Streaming with FESTIVE”, ACM CoNEXT 2012. (pdf)
Te-Yuan Huang, Ramesh Johari, Nick McKeown, Matthew Trunnell, Mark Watson, “A buffer-based approach to rate adaptation: evidence from a large video streaming service”, ACM SIGCOMM 2014. (pdf)
1/20 F: Mini-lab: dash-js adaptive video player (instructions, code)
Week 3: Live video / gaming
Week 4: Virtual reality
Week 5: Augmented reality
Week 6: Content distribution
Week 7: Wireless video
Week 8: Alternate delivery mechanisms
Week 9: Net neutrality and pricing
Week 10: Finale
3/13 M: project presentations
3/15 W: project presentations
3/17 F: project presentations