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CS180 Introduction to Software Engineering Winter 2023
- Instructor: Professor Qian Zhang
- Email: qzhang@cs.ucr.edu
- Office: WCH357
- Office Hours: by appointment
- TA: Soroosh Safari Loaliyan
- Email: ssafa013@ucr.edu
- Office: TBA
- Office Hours: TBA
- Lectures: In-Person MWF 4:00pm – 4:50pm Room 1102, Sproul Hall, UCR campus
- Labs
- Section 021 Wed. 5:00pm – 6:50pm Room 003, Materials Sci and Engineering
- Section 022 Thurs. 6:00m – 7:50pm Room 1212, Olmsted
Course Description
A study of software engineering principles and techniques for the development, maintenance, and evolution of large software systems. Topics include requirements and specification; software design, architecture, and implementation; code analysis, testing, and debugging; project management; software process; verification tools; and developing environments.
Lectures |
Reading, Assignments, etc |
Week 1 1/9 1/11 1/13 |
Introduction Software Development Cycle |
Team Formation and Introduction |
Week 2 1/16(No class) 1/18 1/20 |
Software Requirements and Evolution |
Project Proposal Due, 23:59, 1/20/2023. |
Week 3 1/23 1/25 1/27 |
Unified Modeling Languges |
HW1 |
Week 4 1/30 2/1 2/3 |
Design Patterns |
HW1 Due |
Week 5 2/6 2/8 2/10 |
Software Architecture |
Week 6 2/13 2/15 2/17 |
Software Implementation |
Midpoint Report Due |
Week 7 2/20(No class) 2/22 2/24 |
Testing and Debugging |
HW2 |
Week 8 2/27 3/1 3/3 |
Testing and Debugging |
HW2 Due |
Week 9 3/6 3/8 3/10 |
Software Verification |
Week 10 3/13 3/15 3/17 |
Project Demonstrations |
Final Outcome Due |
Homework Assignments: 20% (2*10%)
Project: 55% (Proposal and Video 5%, Demonstration 10%, Weekly Reports 10%, Midpoint Report and Video 10%, Final Outcome 20%)
Quiz 25%
Due to the current situation, the instructor reserves the right to modify the above class schedule, assessment methods, and grading policy.
Class Policy
- Class announcements will be made through Canvas.
- Please use on-line repository services such as GitHub for version control and project management. Please provide a read permission to us, so that we can access and grade your project. Your team's collaboration history will be also used for adjusting individual grades within your teams.
- If you could not attend any of the quizzes, individual schedules will be available upon request. Please contact the instructor and TA in advance with a physician's report.