CS 130: Computer Graphics



Craig Schroeder
Office Hours: TR 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM in Chung 309 and M 10:00 AM over zoom (see the Canvas announcement for the zoom room), or by appointment
Email: craigs@cs.ucr.edu

Teaching Assistant

Song Bai
Office Hours: TBD
Email: sbai014@ucr.edu

Course Summary

In this course you will learn about current techniques in computer graphics. By the end of the course, you should be familiar with:


Date Topic Reading Notes
06/25 introduction, math, math, raster colors 2.1-2.4.8, 3, 21 intro, math, math, images
06/27 math, raytracing 2.5.5-2.5.7, 2.6, 4-4.4.4, 4.6 math, ray tracing
07/02 normals, lighting, shading 2.5, 4.5, 10 normals, lighting, shading
07/04 holiday
07/09 reflection, falloff, shadows, reflections, transmission 4.8, 4.7, 4.8, 13.1 falloff, reflection, shadow, reflection, transmission
07/11 schlick, barycentric coordinates, triangles, meshes 13.1, 2.7, 12.1 schlick, barycentric coordinates, meshes
07/16 antialiasing, acceleration 13.4, 12.3-12.5 antialiasing, acceleration
07/18 texture mapping 11 texture mapping
07/23 raytracing booleans 13.3 Booleans
07/25 modern pipeline, rasterize lines, rasterize triangles 8.1.1, 8.1.2 OpenGL, pipeline, lines, lines, triangles
07/30 z-buffer, transforms-linear 8.2, 6 z-buffer, transforms
08/01 pipeline, pipeline transforms 8.2, 8.4, 7 pipeline, transforms
08/06 midterm solutions
08/08 pipeline transforms, pers-correct interp 7 transforms, pers-correct interp
08/13 clipping, clipping 8.1.3-8.1.6 clipping, clipping
08/15 rotations rotations
08/20 curves, curves 15, 15 curves, curves
08/22 review
08/27 TBD
08/29 TBD
final solution

Note on academic integrity

All assignments are to be completed individually unless otherwise stated. The following are not allowed in this course. For the purposes of this course, they are violations of academic integrity. Violations of academic integrity will result in a score of 0 for the relevant assignment and a lowering of the final course grade by one letter grade (e.g., from A to B). In more severe or repeat cases, violations will result in an 'F' for the course and a referral to the campus academic integrity committee.

The following are explicitly allowed.

If you find yourself struggling in the course, seek help early. The longer you wait, the fewer options will be available.

Start homework early, especially coding parts. If you start the night before, your chances of successful completion are slim. Although the coding is not intended to take a long time, the time required for debugging is unpredictable and varies wildly from student to student.

