CS204: Project
Spring Quarter 2017
The goal of the project is to connect a paper you've read with real implementation or simulation.
The project is deliberately under-specified so that you can have a taste of working on an open-ended research problem. Choose a paper from amongst those we've read, or (I encourage this), explore something new. Note down some of the questions you have while reading the paper, and think about how you could design experiments to answer those questions. For example:
Does a questionable result in a paper you read hold up when you replicate it?
What happens if you vary a parameter the original experimenter didn't consider?
If you mix two pieces of work, what new effects occur?
You may try to reproduce existing results (good), negate existing results (better), or produce new results (even better). These results can be either analytic, or experimental. If experimental, you may need to learn new tools to complete the project, based on your chosen topic. Mininet might be a good starting point. You may have to 4 members of your group.
Project proposal and update discussions (10%)
Project presentations (10%)
Final report (20%)
Up to 6 pages, 11pt, double-column
Consider the following questions
What paper did you choose, and why is this work important?
What subset of results in the original paper did you try to reproduce/improve upon? Why that particular subset?
What did your results look like?
May 8,9: project proposal discussions
May 15: project proposal due (1 page)
May 26: project update discussions
June 14: project presentations
June 14: final report due
Places to Look for Papers
SIGCOMM: ACM Annual SIGCOMM Conference
NSDI: USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation
CoNEXT: ACM International Conference on emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies
Infocom: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications
CCR: Computer Communications Review.
IMC: International Measurement Conference
Project Ideas
Note that these are suggestions only, you can pick one of these but are expected to elaborate on it, or pick a different question about the paper, or pick a different paper.
GPS + Leaky bucket [pdf]
MPTCP [pdf]
Paper: design of MPTCP congestion control and scheduling
What's the interaction between congestion control and scheduling?
Open-source MPTCP kernel implementation available http:multipath-tcp.org/
AVIS [pdf]
Paper: optimize video rates to maximize utility and link utilization
How to modify if to account for varying user arrivals, to ensure we eventually converge to the optimal solution?
VL2 [pdf]
Bufferbloat [pdf]
Paper: Due to large buffers, some flows experience excessively long delays
Can you emulate these results in Mininet?
Internet topology weaknesses [pdf]
Paper: Knocking out a few “core” routers will destroy the Internet
Can you show this collapse using a large-scale simulation? Note that there have been several follow-up works refuting the original argument, so it may be good to also pick one of them and see which argument holds, backed up by quantitative data from the simulation.
Final presentation schedule