Below is the calendar for this course. This is the preliminary schedule, which will be altered as the quarter progresses. It is the responsibility of the students to frequently check this web-page for schedule, readings, and assignment changes. As the professor, I will attempt to announce any change to the class, but this web-page should be viewed as authoritative. If you have any questions, please contact me (contact information is available at the course homepage).

Readings for Discussion
(do readings before class)
Course syllabus link
09/30/24History of Attacks
The Internet Worm Program: An Analysis, Eugene Spafford, Purdue Technical Report, CSD-TR-823, 1988 (Sections 1-3).link
10/02/24Software Vulnerabilities
Vulnerability Definitions link
10/04/24Software Vulnerabilities (Part 2)
Common Vulnerability Enumeration link
Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog link
10/07/24Buffer Overflow Attacks
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section 6.3. link
Aleph One. Smashing the Stack for Fun and Profit. Volume 7, Issue 49. link
10/09/24How Overflows Are Exploited
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section 6.2. link
10/11/24Return-oriented Attacks (Part 1)
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section 6.5. link
Red Team Notes. Return-to-Libc / ret2libc. link
10/14/24Return-oriented Attacks (Part 2)
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section 6.5. link
Red Team Notes. Return-to-Libc / ret2libc. link
10/16/24Return-oriented Attacks (Part 3)
Quiz 1 - 10/17 and 10/18link
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section 6.5. link
Red Team Notes. Return-to-Libc / ret2libc. link
10/18/24Memory Errors
10/21/24Fixing Software
Secure Programming HOWTO - Creating Secure Software (Chapters 5 and 6) link
10/23/24Type Errors
Type Safety in Programming Languageslink
10/25/24Heap Errors
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section 6.4. link
10/28/24Exploiting Memory Errors
Quiz 2 - 10/28 and 10/29link
Bypassing non-executable-stack during exploitation using return-to-libc link
10/30/24Midterm Review
11/04/24Fuzz Testing
Beginners Guide to Fuzzing: Tutorial link
American Fuzzy Lop link
11/06/24Software Analysis
Enabling Taint Analysis link
11/08/24Software Defenses
Fighting exploits with Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) in Clang link
11/11/24Veteran's Day
11/13/24Malware and Detection
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Sections 7.1-7.5 link
11/15/24Access Control
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section
11/18/24Access Control (Part 2)
Quiz 3 - 11/18 and 11/19link
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section
11/20/24Mandatory Access Controls
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Section
11/22/24File System Security
The Confused Deputy (or why capabilities might have been invented). Norm Hardy. Operating Systems Review, pp. 36-38, Oct. 1988. link
11/25/24Web and Browser Security
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Sections 9.1, 9.3-9.4 link
11/27/24Web and Browser Security (Part 2)
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Sections 9.5-9.6 link
12/02/24Network Security
Quiz 4 - 12/2 and 12/3link
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Sections 10.1-10.2 link
12/04/24Network Security (Part 2)
Paul van Oorschot. Tools and Jewels. Sections 10.1-10.2 link
12/06/24Final Review
12/11/24Final Exam - W 12/11/2024 - 8:00am-11:00am - Location: HMNSS 1503 (our classroom)